Monday, October 26, 2009

Scorpio Season!

We just entered the Season of Scorpio. To find out more about this deeply passionate & intense sign, you can read all about it here or listen to me chat to you about it.

Check it out!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Appearing on 'Conversations to Enlighten and Heal' with KG Stiles

Ive been asked to appear on KG Sile's prestigious show 'Conversations to Enlighten and Heal' tomorrow at 11am Pacific.

Stay tuned for the audio, we're covering Saturn's transition into Libra, with a look ahead to what this means for us all.


Neil's Hay House Radio Appearance Audio Link

If you missed my appearance on Hay House Radio you can listen to the show here
for a limited time.



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2 Days Left! My Teleconference Class: "Secrets of Your Sexual Side and Dating Destiny"

Who's YOUR ideal lover? What kind of lover are YOU?
And what type of Relationship are you really, truly seeking?

The answers may surprise you.

Armed with your Astrology Chart (of which you'll receive a copy) this class (for men & women) will help you avoid the Romance Rocks and surf your Signs to a more fulfilling Dating Destiny.

Your Unique Partnership Profile reveals:

* Your Rising Sign & Personal Presentation Package (how others really see you!)
* Your Venus Sign: Specific Love Needs & Deepest Desires (avoid these and you're sunk)
* The "types" you should REALLY be looking for, (via your personal "Descending Sign")
* The way you make love & what satisfies you sexually and more (via your Mars Sign)

Size up any date, any lover, anyone! Finally, permission to be Yourself.
Only then can you truly find and be the Ultimate Lover.

** Just in time for the New Moon in Libra, the following day - 2009's Powerpoint in Relationship Manifestation!

Birth Time helpful, but not required.
Limited Space so Sign Up Here. See you there!

Your Astrologer,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Appearing on Hay House Radio tomorrow!

Tuesday Oct 13th, 9am. Tune in to Hay House Radio - I'll be appearing with Astrologer and 12Listen Creator Mark Husson. Two Astrologers for you, giving on-air Readings and talking about all the changes we're currently experiencing.

Don't miss it!

Listen Live here.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sweet-Speak: Mercury enters Libra (Oct 9)

Be polite. Be kind. Be nice. Words are beautiful. Enjoy them. Why? Because Mercury (the energy within us that seeks to communicate and connect to the world around us) moves into Libra, the midway sign of Peace, Harmony, Aesthetics, Beauty & Partnership.

Share your ideas. We'd love to hear them. Talk to others. Listen to them. Debate. Banter. Write poetry. Sing. Make things rhyme. Send a thank you card. Tell someone how you feel about them.

Mercury enjoys being in Libra, an air sign (the energy of thought). Two heads are better than one so on October 9th, share cerebrally and see what you come up with.

Words are weapons (remember that WORD-S can be used as a S-WORD) or they can be used to build bridges, and bridge divides between people, nations, heads and hearts.
Reach out. Open your mind and let us in.

DON'T FORGET!: Are you joining me for my first teleconference class on Oct 16th yet? There's some spaces left and I'd love to have you there! Sign up today - It's entitled 'Your Seret Sexual Side and Your Dating Destiny' and it's going to be a heck of a lot of fun - you'll get a copy of your chart and we'll cover what it reveals about YOUR personal life. Come and join in - Check it out here!.

Your poetic Pisces,

How about sending a gift to someone, a Report that details just how amazing they are. Okay..or gift yourself. You're worth it! Check out free samples here.

Photo: (c)

Aries Full Moon: Oct 3 (11.10pm Pacific)

For the next two weeks it's all about You. And should be. The Aries Full Moon period affords us a chance to work out if WE are fulfilled, if we look how we want to look, if we're on track with ourselves, if we're acting as we want to. If the vision we have of ourselves, really what we're seeing playing out in our individual lives?


The Full Moon now lands in the sign of Aries - war, aggression, assertiveness, action, initiation, inspiring us to pioneer old ground or to walk away from old lives and creating new beginnings out of the tattered remains of yesterdays soul-cleansing fires.

As the first sign of the zodiac wheel, Aries is the starter, the Fire Starter I guess you could say (since that's its element) but under a Full Moon things reach a completion, a culmination and we receive word from the Universe in the form of a progress report.

Full Moons remind us to 'let go' in areas where we're overdoing, over-striving and otherwise resisting the flow of cosmic energy in our lives. A new beginning is hard, when we're caught up in yesterday's shadows. So this week we look both forward (Aries) and backwards (Full Moon) separating old paths with new trails yet to be blazed.

We can help this along by following a few of these suggestions, tailor made for this particular lunar phase this week:

Work on Anger Management Issues - should anger ever BE managed? If not - all hell can break loose, or we end up in all-out war. But repressing it does us no good. Work out a way to meet your needs head-on and confront obstacles with courage, confidence and total honesty.

Let go of the need to be first - people push, people shove, they cut you off on roads and they are impatient and self-centered. This weekend, let them be. Save yourself a headache!

Give up too much selfishness - sometimes your needs can't be met by anyone else but you. That's life so accept it.

Go kickboxing, play squash/tennis - anything that's high energy and aggressive or fast.
Pump Iron - Aries loves raw energy and a show of macho. Push your limits just know when to quit.

Chill out - is it worth getting so heated over?

Burn something - in a safe environment, but try a Full Moon Fire Ritual (check in with me for a discounted special to see how this Full Moon affects you and your birth chart PERSONALLY), burn things that symbolize what you're trying to move away from or let go of. Works wonders.

Quit banging your head against a brick wall. Find another way.

DO something - Aries Full Moons ask for energy and drive, committed to achieving a task. Knock down a wall, build something, go for a jog, work out, wrestle, buy a punchbag, scream, sing a rock song at karaoke, start 18 new projects and alternate between them all.

Burn off calories, then you won't be so easy to trigger. A relaxed body/mind is harder to agitate!

Cut hair, do face treatments - Full Moons are good times to cut hair (to grow back slower). Aries relates to the Head so prune crazy hair, give yourself a facial. Legend has it that cutting hair can release stagnant energy some cultures say resided in hair. Look back and notice your haircuts after a breakup, or breakdown? It released old energy. perhaps it's time for another makeover?!

In short - stop thinking, feeling and analyzing and wondering. Just Do It!

Full Moons pull liquids on the planet
and within our bodies, making us more emotional and touchy. It'd be easy to get into a fight under Aries energy this week but it's a waste of good raw energy. Remember energy is directed where our conscious will is focused. Save it or squander it, the choice is ours.

Raw energy is sexy - that's why Mars, the ruling planet associated with Aries is about Drive and Desire. Conquering something becomes a theme this weekend - we NEED a fight, we NEED a challenge, we NEED something to win over, we NEED something to put ourselves against. Moons show emotional needs. Aries energy is driven and goal oriented and won't be denied!

We all turn into Stone Age men and women - back in the primal days of the Universal Fire. Separating ourselves out from the fold, showing how brave we are. These days, fights are taken to sports arenas or worse, into the fields of cities, town and villages, or into the home and family, the originator of all future 'fight-plans' and 'fight patterns'.

Find your 'beef', uncover the roots of your anger and dispute, and resolve to resolve it by the only means possible - facing it. What you do when you confront it is up to you but in the handling the issue, lies the possible resolution.

Remember, inactivity is also an action. Anger has a time and a place - and we shouldn't shy from it. It's not un-spiritual to get mad, says the Aries Full Moon. It's emotional and human. But it is raw untapped and untamed power from within that bubbles out in such moments, a spark from a much greater fire. A passionate seething cauldron of emotional power we can use to further our lives and create something greater, from the friction caused by seeing something that reflects less than we could be. That after all, is the basis of every fight - both within and without - seeing ourselves or another, being less than we (or they, in our perception) could be.

Relationship-wise, it's a time to balance what we want with what others need and desire. It's a see-saw this next two weeks. But remember, if you're not happy, no one else can be, because you're a major part of every contract, union, partnership, relationship, friendship. And you have a right to be feeling well and good.

Start with YOU, then see what changes once you change
your own point of view.

Any troubles, check the main site and sign up for a Reading and we'll work through it together!
