Friday, October 21, 2005

Sun enters Scorpio Oct 23

The time of Scorpio is upon us.

That means our focus shifts from the airy balance of Libra, to the watery depths of Scorpio. Watch a shift in the news as we move into Oct 23 - Scorpio connects us to all things associated with endings - death, completion, a chapter closing and loss.

The trees are losing their leaves, we all lose the heat of summer. Many of us begin to desire change in our own lives - a physical move (mine comes soon since I have Scorpio Rising, I'll be heading to CA at the end of November, just as we enter Sagittarius the Sign of Travel), a change of job, relationship or just the urge to start over.

I'm staying tuned for these news to hit the headlines. Another Scorpio biggie - Sex. When JUPITER - the planet of expansion - enters Scorpio on Oct 26, Scorpios themselves will suddenly find their life growing accordingly - waist sizes may increase, the horizon expands and they take off (literally) begin a new course of study, and seek out more than they have already. Good luck and Bon Voyage to them. We'll talk more on that soon.

For the rest of us, as we enter Scorpio, we're asked to let go of what has gone before. Scorpio is depth emotion, self-control, the removal of that which is no longer any use, the recycling of the same stuff and the starting over - rising from the ashes like the legendary Phoenix we associate with this sign.

Scorpio. I love this sign. You know where you are with Scorpio - when they know where they are themselves. And they usually know. They may not always like it, but Scorpios know. Thats' their beauty.

So we'll know soon enough. As the news focuses on death, destruction, Autumn (or 'Fall' as it's known here in the States, how symbolic for Scorpio, with connotations of Eden and the Fall - and more interestingly in that Taurus relates to Earth/Eden and is Scorpio's opposite sign) endings, survival, life-after-death and Halloween (Scorpio masks, celebration of the deceased) we'll see signs of life-after-the-storm (also symbolic since the hurricane approaches the East coast right now).

Pluto, Scorpios ruler, wipes things out, and destroys that which we no longer need. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? So whoever is left standing during Scorpio time is strong. Whatever leaves, is not weak, it's not just right for us on our paths. What remains was always meant to. It's as simple as that.

Scorpio's Mantra - "I will Survive!"

Enjoy the last few days of Libra Season, and prepare for the darkness of Scorpio, with some humor, some spooky masks, some soul-searching, cleansing, detoxing and (fingers crossed) some damn good sex.


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