Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Nov 1 - New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon always brings a flood of energy. Sometimes so much that it wipes you out. I noticed my energy shifting around this one, did you? Once we pay attention and live by the lunar cycles (as opposed to calendar months) it's amazing how big things start to happen by magic around these times. Try it - grab a calendar and start spotting the trends.

The New Moon always brings NEW stuff so it's easy to remember. Maybe it releases you from a messy situation. Maybe you quit something, to try something new. Maybe you renew vows, or commitment, maybe you give it all in and try something totally different.

This months New Moon falls in Scorpio - asking us to move towards our Passion. What drives you, and makes you feel alive? People are withdrawing during this season, things rumble beneath the surface. Whatever drives us, perhaps unknowingly, fuels our entire direction now.

So, use this two weeks to ignite your passion. Get deep, dig under the surface for what's bothering you, what's NOT being said. Got sex? Work on improving your sex life, under this New Moon you're sure to find some way to fire it up again. Visit an adult store, watch a porn. Try a new move. Make a move. Go on a murder mystery weekend. Rent a scary film (who cares if Halloween has come and gone).

Scorpios are finding this a great time to get things in perspective and work out what they want now. Taurus discovers new way to see old relationships, and perhaps new faces on the horizon, compromise essential. Leo finds a new security in their world, and a facing up to old patterns to finally relinquish them. Aquarius, the final fixed sign asks the Big Questions, and faces a new choice, a new sense of power and job shifts that bring more responsibility and control, or else issues with higher-ups.

The water signs Cancer and Pisces find this a very freeing time, when more fresh air blows into their lives, so they can enjoy life a little more, break out and let their hair down - finally!

We all can start those new ventures, shake it up, try something different. Scorpio New Moons are very private, so there's no need for a drum roll. Go about your business but make a change inside, and your entire world will shift accordingly. That's the power of creating your reality.

Be passionate, wear red and black, be 100% in or don't bother. Give it your all. Be sexy. Dress to impress. Be real. Enjoy your body. Use your money instead of the other way around. Trust. Commit.

New Moons = New.

In Scorpio, the sign of the Phoenix, the ashes are smouldering and we're ready to rise again. Each moment is a New Life. Make of it what you will.

Scorpio Smooches,

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