Saturday, December 17, 2005

Push 'n' Shove : Jupiter square Saturn Dec 17

Today, two biggies begin fighting it out for their say over which path to take.

Jupiter in Scorpio wants us to grow, transform ourselves, to ditch something that no longer works and to take on a new, deeper more meaningful challenge. "Let it go, and grow" shouts Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion in Scorpio the sign of transformation.

Saturn in Leo wants us to stand back a little and not be so gung-ho. Is this really transformation or just plain ego? Fun is all well and good, but why expand unless you know where to shine your light?

Saturn in Leo = Should
Jupiter in Scorpio = Could

Should you? Could you? Can you? Will you?

When it all comes down to it, the planet of expansion squares off (90 degrees) with the planet of constriction/restriction forcing us into a push-pull playoff where it's two steps forward and three back, or no steps forward or backwards at all.

Current events will show the desire of Authority to repress the playfulness of life, the fun and frolics. Saturn in Leo makes it a bitch being a boss these days - more responsibility weighs on you. If as the Top Dog you can't have any fun, then why the hell should your charges?

Jupiter in Scorpio says Death is good for all of us, so let's just jack this in and try something diferent. Saturn in Leo has manners and protocol. Jupiter in Scorpio wants it done yesterday. Saturn in Leo is fearful of how it comes across to the public. Jupiter in Scorpio cares about nothing less than 'what needs to be done to find a new way ahead'.

The two don't necessarily clash when you see that all they want to do is find the BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO MOVE AHEAD WITH GREATER POWER (Scorpio) AND PURPOSE (Leo).

So situations will arise to help us battles with these sides of the same coin. It all comes down to POWER - after all Leo and Scorpio desire nothing less. Self-control versus the control of others. Can you control your own will or enforce your way onto everyone else?

Politically this is a minefield aspect - blame is around every corner. Arrogance is high, and conceit is full-blown. People complain but what is being DONE about things?

Self respect and the respect of everyone whose life you touch, is the order of this astrological season and cycle. Saturn in Leo is the Dictator. Jupiter in Scorpio is the stick of dynamite that brings down the whole building instead of rebuilding the interior. We lose the pretty facade (but when was Scorpio every about that) but perhaps also the traditional core and value. Progress becomes a pain in the ass because we lose the best of what we had.

So... to combine the two, we'll see many BIG events play out. Saturn wants us to slow down and find out WHO is leading and WHERE we're going. More importantly WHY? Like the actor, Leo can no longer Lord over others and steal the show. There are rules - scenes, and pages of a script. Is it working?

Jupiter can no longer pull us to greater heights by cutting off everything that's been before. Scorpio likes to end chapters. Scorpio wants to dig beneath. If we cut too deep, we bleed and healing slows down progress. How can the Leo star shine on stage if Scorpio is poking holes through the floor? We must tread carefully. Are we gaving up and ahead or are we looking back into the past with a sense of blame or fault?

Saturn says 'wait, slow down, polish and perfect your Leo skills'
Jupiter says 'get going, give it up, move on, grow and find your passion for more'

Neither wins, but both can compromise. Stay tuned for big news stories that sum up this planetary aspect. Push and Pull energies get things moving, once we know which ends to lead with (Leo will try very hard for this) and which side can allow a little lee-way in the name of the bigger picture (let's hope Scorpio can here, self control and willpower).

And for god's sake, let's just BREATHE... why are we in such a hurry?


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