Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wearing your Inside Out: Full Moon in Cancer, Saturday January 14 2006

Cancer Full Moon, Saturday Jan 14 at 24Cancer.

Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, this Full Moon proves to be an extra special one with obvious Cancerian connotations - intense emotions, making or surfing intense waves on the home and family front and a general air of sensitivity for everyone.

If you've been seeking a new place to live since the New Moon, chances are it reaches it peak and you find somewhere or a major part of that puzzle falls into place.

if you're having 'issues' at home or with your nearest and dearest (family, close buds, roomies, landlords and those connected to your home picture) then it should reach its peak by Saturday and a resolution can be found.

Things hit the fan, complete, resolve or are revealed at the Full Moon so for everyone - emotions are revealed and vulnerability and sensitivity is right out there for all to see. In short - we're being urged to wear our hearts on our sleeves, to bring our inside, out.

So let the full moon shine its bright spotlight on what's going on inside you - remember, outer reality is but a reflection and refraction of your inner light - if it's not at peace, you're not. Forget outside battling, and find the source of your inner discontent.

Let it go - an emotional message for every Full Moon, but stronger at this one, in the sign ruled by the Moon itself.

Water figures strongly now - from weather patterns intensifying (Seattle, WA has seen around 20 days straight of 24-hour rain, the west coast of the USA has already been swamped with floods this past few weeks etc). Tidal waves (literal or symbolic) are possibilities - in dream analysis, water = emotions, so watch the water this week. Drink more. Bathe more. Relax at the ocean or by the pool. Take a bath, shower, go for a walk in the rain if you're feeling emotionally out-of-sorts.

Once you find your centre, everything falls into place and life takes on that rosy glow again. The Cancer Full Moon helps us find where out emotional buttons are - so we can push them for the final time and move on to a new area of growth. Creativity is strong now - use your emotions for something useful and it should be a pretty fun weekend.


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