Sunday, April 23, 2006


We just entered Taurus Season - the sign connected to Earth, Nature, Money, the Senses, the Land, Farming, Gardening, Cooking, Seasons, Banking and so forth.

In short, Taurus is PHYSICALITY - things that we can touch, taste, see, smell and hear.
As expected news begins to appear covering these realms:

Zimbabwe says it is prepared to provide land to white farmers (

Brad Pitt backs Global Green USA plans for New Orleans.

Why are we so secretive about salaries?

Just a brief snapshot - I'm sure we'll hear too many news stories to mention as far as Finance goes - Taurus' delight! From soaring oil costs to the slash of playstation 2 retail costs - bargains galore and rip-offs run rampant.

This is Taurus Season.


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