Saturday, April 22, 2006

Trouble over Oiled Waters...

Astrological Associations and mythology can pay out in numerous ways, which we explore here from time to time, and it's no surprise to find yet another spin on the current ones.

Pisces is the sign of the Oceans and relates to many things including LIQUIDS on the planet (including our bloodstream, oceans, rivers, alcohol and OIL. With URANUS (planet of broadcast media - TV, radio etc) in Pisces it's no surprise that some of the most "surprising or sudden news broadcasts" have been based around Piscean principles.

Not only are we seeing a proliferation of "psychic" shows out here in the States (Pisces rules spirituality, magic and so forth - (Harry Potter stars as a symbol of this Uranus in Pisces time) but we are seeing numerous surprising news reports of Water Inundation (New Orleans, West Coast of the US and many others).

Now, we hear this week that OIL prices are skyrocketing (though I hardly see the surprise there personally). This news comes as VENUS (planet of value, cost, money) slides past Uranus in Pisces - and so the "cost of Oil" becomes an essential topic of concern.

Is it long before we hear of so-called water contamination (blamed on "terrorists") or the cost of water increasing due to issues surrounding its use, conservation or pollution?

Water levels are rising, due to global warming, earth shifts or other manmade problems, and we're sure to see more on this. I was watching a series called The Triangle the other day, (The Bermuda Triangle) and of course the whole thing is set in and around water. I noticed the show 'Invasion' pushing the alien agenda, has peoples bodies being taken over by the aliens, and the noticeable trait they all begin to share is they crave Water. How perfectly Piscean, and how fitting for a time when the earth's liquids are being pushed into the spotlight.

I'm sure we'll hear some startling discoveries on the blood0related illnesses soon - herpes and of course the much publicised 'HIV' virus - which I still find has many technical holes and issues surrounding it. Call it a hunch, but many secrets are to be revealed during this slice of time.

I can't believe looking at the 'clock' that we're only 6 years away from 2012 and a whole new dimensional energy paradigm. Seems like it's only tomorrow, or has it already been and gone? With time bending all over the place now, who's to say.

I noticed a poster the other day the read "6 - 6 - 06: The Signs Are All Around You". I'm not sure what it's related to, some movie perhaps, but I'll keep you posted. I found it interesting that someone is tying in the biblications 'predictions' at this point in time. So we do have 6/6/6 coming up - I'm sure we'll see more news on the microchip which seems to tie into this whole scenario. Cats, Dogs and Missing Kids - anyone next in line?!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up and research! Clever marketing campaign, sure it's got many people rattled. Always love a good horror film myself. :) Thanks for stopping by!
