Monday, May 01, 2006

Land of the Free??

As I write, at 4.14pm we are already 14 minutes into the rally here in Los Angeles for immigration rights.

Looking at the chart of the current moment it's interesting to see that today the Moon is in CANCER (the sign of the United States) and with the Moon (representing the public), it was no surprise to see on TV more than 300,000 people or more holding US flags in the streets here (and across the country) to demand the freedom afforded others who work hard and already live here.

Not only that, the Moon touches MARS (the planet of war) The news called it an "immigration battle" and as Mars shows were our energy is being directed, there is a lot of anger, energy, and assertive ACTION being directed towards the states and the ability to call this place a Home (Moon).

Can America look after its own children? it's a Cancer country, for goodness sakes - "how can our Mother foresake us?", the people cry.

With the Sun in Taurus, being challenged by Saturn in Leo (authority issues) we can easily see how they are trying to cause a wave - taurus represents money, and a walk-out today is certainly causes many companies enormous financial difficulty. We're pushing (square) our leaders (Leo) to wake up and realize that everyone who is working here and bettering the economy (Taurus) deserves a place to put down roots (Taurus). After all, isn't that was Capitalism is all about? You'd think (considering most immigrants here are paid peanuts, and do most menial jobs Americans refuse to).

Spiritually, the founding fathers of the US, established the culture of America as a testbed of cultural mixing - and this will always go down as the most successful experiment in the human world - here people CAN get along.

Of course leaders currently are using the 'divide and conquer' method, so these protests continue to channel energy into the 'divide', playing into the favor of creating unrest and stress for the population. I wonder if an amnesty will lead to the new proposed microchipped IDs cards - first for immigrants, then slide it in and pass it for regular citizens. We'll see soon enough...

The Moon in Cancer today is starting its oppposition to PLUTO in Sag - Sagittarius is overseas, laws, and the surpassing of borders, and of course, in opposition the public is marching to oppose such borders.

Pluto in Sagittarius has truly go down historically in this period as a time when the church (Sag) was nailed for sex scandals (Pluto) when secrets (pluto) are coming out about religious stories we are now being told weren't truth (sag) (Da Vinci Code - Pluto loves codes and mysteries).

We've seen death and destruction (pluto) in the name of Holy wars (Sag) and cultures (sag( being blamed for mass deaths (pluto).

And here we are today - as the Moon graces the sign of the actual United States of America - its children (moon) are marching (mars) to reclaim their rightful place in a land they already live in and have done for many years - I saw one woman who had been here 17 yrs, leaving her job today (at the risk of being fired) because she wants the rights anyone else here does.

And of course, to provide balance, I saw two old ladies on TV who were screaming against it "Go back to your own country" they cried. And in protest, what are they going to go? SPEND MONEY (Sun in Taurus) to prove "they can't beat us".

How sad, I thought that we can still witness scenes like this. The way to get back at people who have the same rights as anyone else, is to spend money to give to the corporations, to 'show them' (the little people). How crazy, I feel.

Uranus (freedom, equality) is in Pisces (compassion). We can no longer ignore the inequality we've spent years denying. The People are not happy - and the times are a-changing.

I saw one sign today that reminded me that it's not even about flags anymore. "God Bless America" is past its use-by date.

I propose a new flag - "Goddess Bless Earth".

Her energy already does actually, if we would only see it. Perhaps in reality we should be proclaiming 'People bless the Goddess". Where are WE in relation to the planet??

With Venus in Pisces today, we're connected through emotional energy. We're all the same - do we need to continue rallying, fighting, protesting and dividing before we can see this?

I think so, just a little while longer anyway....

I send a ray of light to all those today who are without the rights afforded to many - by showing yourselves on TV, by upping the numbers, we at least have light shining where most people are afraid to look.

The United States is going to have to start Caring about life - under the sign of Cancer, it is a spiritual and karmic obligation and it won't get away without it any longer.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    It's been amazing watching how many people showed up to these events - I was pretty blown away.

    I was upset at my fellow Americans showing such contempt for people.
    But I know the majority are on the side of the people - since this adminisration has done nothing for human rights.

    You can't keep freedom down for long.
