Saturday, May 27, 2006

What's new pussy cat? The Gemini New Moon May 26

We're currently under the new lunar phase moon within the air sign of Gemini.

I like to call this one the 'What's New Pussycat?' New Moon because we're invited to ask questions, get curious, sample, try out and talk and think to our heart's content.

More emails I am sure get sent and received under Gemini New Moons. More people hop in their cars and commute and more people hike up their phone bills because there's so much to say and just not enough time to say it.

It's a great time for new publications, columns, radio shows, novels, blogs, journals, and jobs and projects in the communication fields.

This particular New Moon is exciting in that it receives blessings from the North Node in Aries and Structure Saturn - we can have the best of both worlds as long as we're willing to try something new and at least talk about the pros and cons of Keeping Life The Same or Trying a New Approach now.

The North Node shows a place we're trying to reach and in Aries AGGRESSION as you'll notice has become a way of life. War is always touted at the time of the Arian North Node, but the New Moon in Gemini says "Talk about it" and since it's in a great placement this month to the North Node - talking and clear channels of communication will help us all.

This month:

Make the call
Spit it out
Say it like you mean it
Get your head together first
Write the letter, email
Stick it in the mail
Cover more ground
Explore the neighborhood
Contact siblings
Be curious and youthful
Get a a CAR TUNE UP!
Buy a bicycle or other method of transporation
Ask questions
Talk to strangers (yes this is actually a good Moon for this!)
Read a new book
Learn sign language

I enjoy Gemini Moons because I have a Sag Moon (opposite sign) and there's always a free flow of energy provided the aspects are happy ones. This month they are, so it's a bright and breezy time. A lot will be asked, a lot will be said but I'm not sure how much will be done unless it at least preserves how far we have come. Creativity will become more structured thanks to Saturn in Leo and whatever we are trying to put our personal stamp on will get the green light once it knows its purpose and can explain itself thoroughly.

If you have a presentation or you want to put it down on paper or sell it, this is a great time - use the right chosen words at the right chosen time (consult an Astrologer perhaps?) and you'll hit it big.

Wherever you end up, whatever you think and whatever you are inclined to say these next two weeks especially, remember Communication is everything.

Enjoy! And Keep talking - but make sure to listen too, yeah?



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, "publish a new blog," which I plan to do soon having Mercury, Mars, and Midheaven all conjunct in Gemini in my natal chart. My Mercury return is today. This new start, however, is not without some trepidation being a shy, reclusive soul: Cancer Sun, Virgo Ascendant, and Scorpio Moon.

    I love your blog, which I only recently discovered, and am looking forward to exploring it.

  3. I don't deny it, I'm uneducated. How do you come to your conclusions with Astrology? I'm not doubting them, I just never understood it. There are so many variables and movements that it always confused me. Anyhow, you left comments on my blog and so I checked yours out, only to realized I wondered this for a long time, so I should probably just ask.

  4. Hey there!

    Thanks Demeter for visiting, great you know your astro-placements and I look forward to sharing more with you!

    Equippedtofascinate - theres a LOT to take into account I've been doing this for over 13 yrs now, but its something anyone can study - everything is energy and everything moves in cycles. You'd find it a worthy field to look into - it's fascinating, detailed, depth and a lot of fun.
    keeps my right and left brain really happy!
