Wednesday, June 14, 2006

2006's Striking Spiritual Shift

On June 22 we all face a major change of focus, direction and emphasis. Currently we've been living under a very Arian part of our history - as the Moon's Lunar North Node forced us to evlauate our aggressive side. In the past year you may have noticed:

More feelings of impatience, anger, irritation
A need to be on your own
Relationship disputes brewing more than ever before
Road Rage
People becoming much more selfish
More fighting
Aggression & Assertion

These are just some of the symptoms - notice the governments total concentration on 'war, war, war' - the epitome of the Aries energy.

This period is over.

Does that mean we'll see an end to war? I wish. But since war = money, the quest to confound and confuse with the ensuing chaos, public control is sure to still continue, but we can certainly see a major shift coming up and we have no choice but to roll with it.

The Lunar North Node (of public trends and our collective destiny as a planet) moves into PISCES, the sign of the fish. it's a much needed change and a welcome relief as we move from FIRE to WATER.

Shifts of this nature are felt globally, and people often find it difficult to adjust or adapt, but suddenly we have no choice but to COLLECTIVELY realign our focus and discipline. The Lunar Nodes are our focal points - our collective destiny. We HAD to face our Aries sides, our aggressive tendencies during the last period, but now we shift our priority and look at our connection to spirit.

So what can we expect during this new phase as the Moon's Lunar North Node moves through Pisces (as the Dragons Tail, or the Lunar South Node trails behind in the opposing sign of Virgo)?

A new look at Water - especially its pollution, state of purity etc
Water talking to us - rain, tsunamis, the ocean, rivers, streams, ponds, fish, ice
Emotions - the need to let go of old, dead-wood feelings
Spirituality - a new desire to connect with something larger than ourselves
A drive to tap into your psychci energies, follow our intuition
More collective experiences with the 'other realms'
New movies focusing on Pisces material - ghosts, spirits, psychic energy, magic
Some great works - amazing new ethereal artists, singers, poets
More Goddess respect
A new focus on the underdog in society - and a peek into hospitals, prisons, monataries, places of retreat
A collective hunger for yoga and other body-spirit connective disciplines

Karmically, with the South Node (past) in Virgo, we will as a collecrive have to face:

Old issues relating to bad health, what we shouldn't be eating and should be doing for our bodies
Problems with the medical field - doctors, drugs and the problems of treating symptoms not causes
Mass job losses or an exodus as people leave their meaningless work for something more fulfilling on a soul level
The need to help those who have helped us, or at least to pay back a debt by being of service
Cleaning up our collective act - new street cleaning campaigns, littering problems, and trash collective could become major issues
The FDA and other 'standards' may come under fire for not caring about our health

Pisces/Virgo is the axis of Healing - so this becomes probably our number one concern during this new Lunar Node period. It's a really significant shift this - on June 22 we are all pulled in one direction - that of being less aggressive and more 'allowing'. The danger lies in ESCAPISM - Pisces relates to drugs, alcohol, drifting, dreaming and opting out - so these are the inherent dangers - more TV, movies and mind-control to keep us all lulled int a false sense of comfort and security. Can we break away from odl habits (Virgo souh node) that no longer serve us and find a way to serve instead our spirit (Pisces).

Our souls are shouting now - aggression and war only cut us off from our true selves - Pisces knows everything is connected so COMPASSION Is about to become a big deal - will people walk away from war, drop their guns, cease testing on animals, stop whale hunting or seal clubbing, because as this Lunar Shift comes into effect, our heart chakras blow open and we fel the pain we are inflicting.

It's highly possible. After all, how can we really begin to break the endless karmic chain of suffering unless we ourselves have felt that very same pain. Once you know, you save yourself and everyone else from feeling it again.

This is the hope of Reincarnation - and as the node moves into the last sign, Pisces, we get to see how everyone is the same, that every human feels the same emotionss and that by hurting one, we pollute the collective 'pool' of humanity the way one droplet of food dye can pollute an entire glass of water.

We are all One. If we didn't believe it, or see it, this period will remind us, so that there is no doubt that what happens out there, is felt deeply in the souls we keep so private and often forget about.

The Children of the Law of One (a group from Atlantis) would see this as an amazing time of reconnecting, and remembering.

Surf the Spiritual Channels, listen to the inner voices - and if you get a hunch, follow it. the only real "news" these days, under these cosmic waves, is the news we get from our own inner teachers...our "in-tuition".


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