Transporation - cars, trains, bikes, planes - even walking, jogging, blading, skateboarding - all come under the heading of Mercury, the winged messenger of the planetary family.
So it comes as no surprise these fields are adversely effected by the Retrograde Motion. Remember the news is not always bad, often it's just about reversals, but it's wise to remember that fields of Mercury DO get affected during these periods.
So, without being depressing (since a lot of reversals this week have been less than joyful) these are the top stories:
In Pakistan, a plane crash killed all 45 people on board.
Hundred of rush-hour commutors were evacuated in Chicago when a train was derailed the news today reports whilst Indian reports a series of train bombings.
In Bangladesh a train collided with a crowded bus at an unmanned railway crossing.
Friendly parking rules are sought for car users in the UK.
Microsoft to face 'huge EU fine'.
The European Commission is preparing to unveil controversial proposals to regulate the charges mobile phone users pay to make calls when they are abroad
The BBC website also gives an article about todays technology, the problem witrh cell phones, airlines and cell phones, email and more. Perfect timing for a RE-view of how it all connects.
And finally...
The Good Stuff!
Mercury began retrograding in Leo (the sign of joyful happiness) and this article reports that 'happiness doesn't cost the earth'.
Let's all slow down, folk. There really is no rush during Mercury Retrograde. Breathe. Relax.
My two cents about Mercury retrograde in Cancer. Cancer rules memory and in today's Chicago Tribune, a column by Mary Schmich titled "Memory Lane full of stories for retelling (another delightful retrograde word)."
(Select Mary may have to create an id and login)
One of her sources says the our brains have to forget things, that if we remembered everything we ever did, we would all be in psych wards.
So perhaps another activity for Mercury retro in Cancer would be to review and release memories we no longer need.
One way might be to start a memoir or a family history scrapbook, families also being ruled by Cancer.
I like to re-read favorite books and re-watch favorite films during Mercury retrograde periods. Currently I am reviewing for my national certification exam in massage therapy.
Just some thoughts.
Demeter (a Cancerian)
P.S. I'm truly surprised you do not get more comments on this blog. It has so many great topics for discussion.