Saturday, July 22, 2006

Why so much turmoil in the world?

Taking a look around you'd think the Earth has lost the plot and that its inhabitants have gone completely crazy. The weather is haywire, wars are rife, the news shows nothing but negativity.

Is anyone waking up to the reality behind this picture of chaos?

Quite simply, the answer is Yes. But we're not told about this - the new energy sweeping the globe. but it is a truth - that the cleansing occuring right now is to make way for a profound healing.

I am reposting this article by Nick Anthony Fiorenze from Lunar Planner
I think his comments are worthy and give more insight into the current shifts transpiring on Planet Earth at this time.

What are you being challenged to let go of - what dramas and personal annoyances are you asked to release. Feelings of inner anger, frustration, hatred and things that seem to pull at your stomach or weigh on your chest (heart chakra) are things you need to look at and cleanse.

Enjoy the article.


Why such Conflict in the World?
The Healing Crisis & Unconditional Love

If this magnificent transition is occurring and the world is evolving spiritually, why is our world in such turmoil - it looks as if we are going backward? This is a natural occurrence. Why? In advanced healing work we learn about a process called a "Healing Crisis" (Dr B. Jensen; Dr. JW Ray; et. al.). As we increase the vibrational resonance of the body, that is, cleanse it and supply its required nutrients (as one step), we create a refined vibrational environment within self, basically cleaning up and harmonizing our "biological terrain."

In doing so, a more functional neurological resonance occurs. At this time, that which is of a lesser resonance surfaces to consciousness as our organs of weakness begin to throw off lower-order patterns (the mental, emotional, and physical patterns stored in our cellular makeup). During this healing process, our organs of weakness become acute as if in major turmoil before relaxing into their new and more refined state of vibrational function. It can appear as if something is very wrong if we are not aware of this natural phenomena. Often time, people are taught to suppress this natural healing process (something synthetic drugs do) which creates more chronic degenerative conditions. Knowing how to induce and support a healing crisis allows us to move through it harmoniously and arrive to the other side, at a refined state of health, function and vitality. This very same intensification of conflict , a "healing crisis," is occurring in our world.

Unfortunately, most people do not know how to embrace and harmoniously move through a healing crisis and make the personal metamorphosis. Instead many become lost in it, only to make the drama worse.

As we begin to experience the dissolution of separateness and estrangement between personality-egoic-level self and our Divine (undivided) soul-level-Godself, so too does the mental, emotional and physical patterning, that we, as incarnating souls, as a world, have incurred throughout the entire 12,000-year temporal period, surface within our consciousness in an intensified and even dramatic "healing crisis." This provides each of us with the challenge to heal and clear all that we have carried for lifetimes from having been on one side of the fence or the other. As this shift dislodges and dissolves the conflicts of consciousness crystallized within self, we are forced through many contortions and paradoxes that often leave us consumed in our inner turmoil and its surface turbulence.

In this process, some will willingly relinquish the inner conflicts of the past surfacing from cellular memory and embrace a new awareness, while others will become tormentingly lost in the dramatics of the healing crisis, playing out their inner conflicts to the bitter end, but ultimately we are on the same road Home.

The easiest way to facilitate this process is to unconditionally accept, without judgment, all that we experience in our lives and all that we feel surfacing within ourselves moment-by-moment. Simply speaking, this is the principle of Unconditional Love--the acceptance of all conditions. Easier said than done? There are many tools to aid us in this process. Daily meditation and other techniques of clearing the emotional body on a regular basis can aid us tremendously. Ultimately, these tools teach us how to surrender into the Zero-Point of LOVE.

We either remain entrapped in FEAR--dramatizing in our lives the mental-emotional monsters within ourselves, and the resultant "need to control" the world around us, or we surrender into LOVE by choosing unconditional acceptance of all that we have been and of all that we currently experience no matter how dramatic it is. Ultimately, unconditional LOVE is a moment-by-moment CHOICE.

Embracing the barrage of emotions surging during the healing crisis in unconditional acceptance is the easiest way to release the crystallized patterns carried in the cellular structure and to have the resultant revelations in consciousness that the impouring light is offering.

Wholistic ways of living can facilitate this transition as well, from the types of food we eat to the environments we live in. Staying centered, grounded, and connected to the Earth is essential to harmoniously integrate the phenomenal influx of cosmic energy that is catalyzing the spiritual awakening of human consciousness. By attuning ourselves to Earth's natural resonances and cycles, we attune ourselves to our durative, everlasting selves--to that which transcends the surface turbulence of our rapidly changing lives.

Remember, synthetic drugs, clothes, and environments constructed of non-organic materials and diss-proportunate geometries have a negative spin that suppress our emotions and our ablity to breath with the unfolding cycles of life and which maintains the crystallized patterns we hold in our cellular makeup. When we are not willing to experience, we feel physical pain (which is an emotion). When we suppress pain (or any other emotion)--in any variety of ways--we push ourselves down-scale vibrationally--down the emotional scale (from enthusiasm, into pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy, unconsciousness, and degenerative death). When we are willing to embrace emotion in unconditional acceptance, we move upward through the emotional scale (unconsciousness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain, to enthusiasm).

When we are willing to feel (unconditionally embrace) one emotion, we move up to the next until the underlying pain (resistance to past experience) that we hold surfaces. When we are willing to embrace the pain, the pattern releases, the pain dissolves, and cellular and molecular recoding occurs. This is how to move through a Healing Crisis. When this recoding occurs we can draw (create) new experience based on the new subtle-energy patterns we radiate from our cellular makeup. If we do not clear the pattern by moving through the entire healing crisis, by getting to the suppressed pain, we continue to draw experience reflecting the pattern we are holding. Once we learn this process of unconditional self-love, we can live it moment-by-moment, thus integrating experience from a place of personal empowerment rather than continuing to building a psychic battery of suppressed trauma.

As stated, many people have been taught to suppress emotion or to project it outward (in blame) on others or on life's experience rather than to embrace it and own it as their own. Once the body learns the reverse process, the way to move through a healing crisis properly, it becomes a natural way of life. The healing crisis can occur rapidly or over a longer period depending on our personal cycles. Antiquated patterns overlaid upon patterns are emerging at an increasing rate during this phenomenal evolutionary transition. Learning to allow the movement of energy within self through the process of unconditional acceptance (Love) is the way to the place within the heart that most of us seek. To go to a place of Love is to choose Love. To choose Love is to tip the scales so our dreams become real.

E-motion (pain) is the resistance to the motion (the movement) of experience through our bodies. To become a light body is to release our resistance to the experience of life. When we have no more resistance, we super-conduct consciousness and illuminate. To illuminate is to embrace the totality that we already are.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding article, Neil. Thank you for sharing. Personally, I plan to print it out and re-read it a few times. Much food for thought and reflection (Mercury retrograde in Cancer phrase?). I am particularly intrigued by the ideas related to moving through a healing crisis since this comes up often in massage therapy, Reiki, and flower essence work. And of course, I think it points to constructive ways to use astrology as you do when you suggest constructive ways to use Full Moons, New Moons, and Mercury retrograde periods.

    Thank you also for your kind remarks about my earlier comments. I wrote an article in my blog, "Why I like Mercury retrograde," and referred readers to your articles for ways to enjoy, rather than dread, Mercury retro periods.

