Monday, August 21, 2006

The Cosmic Clean-Up: New Moon in Virgo (Aug 23)

The New Moon on Aug 23 falls at the very beginning of Virgo - stamping the next two weeks with the purest energy of Virgo the VIrgin. Purity - how appropriate.

Does this lunar phase mean we all need to rediscover our virginity or abstain? Hardly - but it's not that far from the truth.

Cleaning up our acts is more like it. Along with our minds, bodies, houses, jobs, schedules, and dailty routines.

It's time to carve bad habits our of your life. How do we do that exactly?

By replacing them with beneficial ones. Often when we 'quit' we stop something, but there remains a void. Switching one thing (unhealthy) for something else (more productive) we can finally overcome.

This New Moon asks us to:

Clean the trash we've collected

Scrub the bath

Empty drawers

Start a new or better gym (or fitness plan)

Analyze our daily life - is it healthy and is it efficient

Streamline and Simply

Be of use - help someone out

Serve - give someone a neck rub, carry someones load.


Edit - from written work to what we say - is it useful, it is true and is it kind?

Find a new job or work lead

Give co-workers a hug or confront them about how to pull their weight (or both!)

Stop binging

Quit smoking or other habits we've picked up

Do 60 push ups a day

Drink more water

Start a detox program

Fast for one day

Clear your mind more

Have a checkup

Get some Bodywork done

Check out feng-shui

Clear a space in your life and home for contemplation and nothing else

Be minimalist

In short - it's a New Moon to launch anything that relates to the body and mind - and a harmony between the two. Written work takes off, and editors will find this a productive time. Waiters, hairdressers, vets, anyone who is helping, aiding, and providing a service to the public will find new work leads or revamp their current style of business.
Gyms will fill up with newbies passing through or those really looking to improve.

So will plastic surgeons be finding more clients working their way to them - as will the tweeth whiteners at the supermarket or the 'new' skin creme guaranteed to transform your face!

Health problems can be tackled now - take care of something that's not quite right or have that long-awaited health check up. Whats your doctor or dentist's name? Exactly. Maybe it's about time.

Try herbs or alternative healing methods, The Virgo New Moon will aid you along your path if you try new ways of healing old problems. maybe it's not the symptom that is the problem, but the method of treatment?

Shape up, clean up, tighten up and smarten up. The New Moon is a two week period of SELF-IMPROVEMENT.

Crack out the mop and bleach and start scrubbing!


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