Monday, September 18, 2006

Discover your Rising Sign!

Do you know your Rising Sign?

It's your Path, the energy you follow for your journey on Earth. It shows what you look like, how you act, your social 'mask' - and you should always read it in conjunction with your Sun Sign (the one you already know and read each week, for more insight and accuracy!).

Nothing takes the place of a Professional Reading, but you can have a go at working your own Rising Sign out right here! Descriptions follow to see if you think you have it right. How do you act to others, and how do others perceive you? What's your mode of self-expression? This is all dictated by the Rising Sign - and you'll need your birth time to discover it.

For example, I'm a Pisces Fish (sensitive and flowing) but I come across as intense, focused and mysterious. Why? Because I have Scorpio Rising (which is why nearly every movie role I've ever been asked to play was dark, dangerous and ends up being involved in murder, intrigue or secrets of one kind of another. All Scorpio themes. It goes deeper than that, but you get the picture! How are you portraying yourself on the outside - do you even know how others view you?

Click here to find out!

After you find yours, use that sign with your sun sign each week when you read the forecasts.
You may slightly out by one sign, so a chart reading (or a simple Report from my site) will tell you if you're on the money or not. Or see if it works for you!

And while you're waiting for the next blog - listen to your full and extended SOLAR ECLIPSE FORECASTS recorded just for you - just find your sign, click and discover what this Eclipse is asking of you.

For more information specific to your Life Path, consider a birth reading, or order an email question at the website. All questions answered using your birth chart, without the need for a phone consultation.


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