Friday, September 22, 2006

Forget the High Road, ignore the Low Road...

Today we enter the Autumnal Equinox. I already feel it in the air. Starbucks has launched its pumpkin drinks. I'm excited about Halloween although here in Los Angeles I won't get to see as many leaves fall, as I did in Seattle, or kick them on the sidewalk or hear their crisp sounds.
I do miss that in the Pacific North West. However there is a slight feeling of mystery in the air, which will only intensify as we move towards Scorpio.

Today the equinox is Balance. Equality. We are halfway through the annual cycle. Libra represents the Scales, where day and night are equal and everything hangs in a delicate balance.

Polarity meets its middle point now - a place most of us are not so used to being. Forgo the extremes now and find the middle road. And Just Be.


Some brief news stories as we enter the Virgo Eclipse:

Wal Mart decides it's going green (Virgo = purity). As we enter a Solar Eclipse, Japan launches a Sun Probe.

Virgin train (Virgo = the Virgin) breaks speed record (Solar Eclipse - launches and new beginnings) and now has plans for renewable energy.

England's National Health Service (Virgo = health) goes on strike

HIV tests for 13 yr olds?! (Virgo = hypocondria)

Government oversight of prescrption drugs (Virgo = health) needs overhaul

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