Saturday, September 02, 2006

Smoke & MIrrors: Reality meets Fantasy....

So we're here - living under the umbrella of the Saturn-Neptune opposition.
Saturn is in Leo and Neptune is in Aquarius, remember.

Already we've been notified that the Jon Beney Ramsey murder confession was untruthful (Neptune) so no sentences were passed (Saturn). Media addiction (neptune in Aquarius) kept it in the public eye for weeks. Was the public and media hoodwinked?

A new movie showing the Assassination of President Bush is causing controversy since it uses real images (Saturn) to project the illusion (Neptune) in shocking reality. Is this a foreshadowing of things to come or just a manifestation of the current energies at play?

More heads of State (Saturn in Leo) are under the magnifying glass with a new movie (Neptune) depicting the Queen (Saturn), played by Helen Mirren.

California has introduced new laws (Saturn) to stop pollution (neptune).

The entire Hollywood film industry (represented by not only Leo, where Saturn (restrictions) is currently found but also Neptune, the ruler of illusions and imagery) was slammed as 'worshipping war' with its new productions, by director Oliver Stone (who put together the World Trade Center movie so go figure...)

And finally, movies released under specific aspects often carry the theme itself, which can be seen so clearly in the release of The Illusionist - the story of a famed illusionist and their clandestine romance with a royal figure. (Saturn in Leo = royalty, nobility) and of course Neptune is the Lord of Illusion. A beautiful manifestation of this aspect.

More to come I am sure, as Saturn continues to oppose Neptune.


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