Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sex Advice from Astrologers

Nerve Magazine stopped by and asked me to participate in their column 'Sex Advice from....' featuring people from all walks of life. Sex Advice from Doctors, from Skateboarders, from Single Moms, from Checkout Clerks, you name it. Great column, great people.

So it was an honor to be asked to contribute to their 'Sex Advice from Astrologers' column. You can check out it out, and see what everyone had to say here. (if it's back to the usual column when you read this, check out my main site as there's sure to be a link to the actual Astrologer's column!)

No charts were involved in the making of this column so it's as basic as you can expect to get, but a lot of fun and a great idea.

And for those of you bound to ask, yes Venus and Mars (amongst other things) can show you what you like (and don't like) in bed (or out of it, depending on your planets). Pretty cool, huh? Let me know next time you need the heads-up on a date or suitor ;-)

Enjoy! And hey - perfect time to release this under the Scorpio planetary stellium, wouldn't you say (Scorpio = sex, Venus/Mars both IN Scorpio now)? Phew.


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