Friday, November 17, 2006


Neptune's current placement shows society's views on drugs, alcohol and all forms of escapism and his current passage through the technical sign of Aquarius was strongly highlighted today here in Los Angeles (and around the world of course - Aquarius is the sign of Humanity) with news of the crazed fans of the new Playstation 3 - selling at $600 a pop!

People spent 4 days sleeping outside to get one, numbers were limited but the technoholics just HAD to get their Neptunian fix of the latest technology. There was talk of extra security, people being forced to line up across parking lots from the stores and running in at opening time, gunshots, muggings and other Scorpio goings on. People were even selling them for double or more on ebay.

Such a sign that people are seeking escapism (Neptune) through technology (Aquarius) right now. Text messaging, internet chat or surfing. There will surely be more talk of impressive new "virtual reality" gaming systems. The weird thing is the PlayStation 3 has graphics so real they are virtually like reality. Strange - considering the concept of escapism is to get AWAY from 'reality' - but then we're not encouraged to kill people and we're certainly not used to seeing ghosts or waving magic wands THIS side of the veil, and this of course is the draw of these computer gaming systems. A great concept, a release of energy and safe (unless the addiction becomes too strong) but when you see society hurting itself in the race to get one to (as one guy said on the news "be cool") it really is pretty sad.

Of course today, Mars is squaring Neptune - Mars is our energy and what we do, and Neptune of course shows energy expended on escapism. Great day for lost souls seeking another high. And we could see that with the lines and lines of people waiting outside of stores to grab one of these items at a marked up price. Who cares the cost when you're a junkie, right?!

Playstation - what were you thinking releasing your system under Mercury Retrograde?!
Will you have to recall them due to a technical error or will you find you're unable to get enough to hungry customers? We'll see - but it never did anyone any good releasing technology under this transit. We'll see if you escape the inevitable tide of technology tedium under this phase.

Now, stop reading this blog - you may get addicted and we wouldn't want that. You are feeling veeeeery sleepy...

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