Saturday, December 09, 2006

Significance of Moles on the Body

I had a rather enlightening conversation early this morning with a Vedic Astrologer in India.
I rarely have my chart read by anyone else (as most people don't know how to read charts!) but he took a look over mine, and I over his.

He suggested a 'wrap-up' lifetime of serving people, and also about Tantric energy, using sexual energy to reach a higher level. He mentioned past lives studying this and he asked if I had a "mole on my thing". A little probing (excuse the pun) and he notified me that it was a sign if I had one that I have a background in this energy work.

Indeed I have.

Now you know. A mole on your thing comes with great sexual energy and possible Tantric connections. This led me on a little quest of my own and I found this site today, who knows if this holds any water, but it does for me and I found the conversation really helpful.

What's the significance of moles on your body? See if this website gives you any ideas!


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