Thursday, February 01, 2007

Feb 1: Souls at Centre Stage: Leo Full Moon

The Full Moon on Feb 1 (late evening PST) falls at 12Leo59 (one minute before entering the 13th degree).

Most Astrologers will probably use the Sabian Symbol for 13 Degrees Leo (since we always round up) but I think since we are so close to the 14th Sabian Degree that in this instance we're urged to move up and evolve to the next level. This symbol is:

"In the form of a cherub,
whispering soft coaxing in words into every receptive ear,
a human soul seeks expression."

I think that sums up this Lunar cycle. Full Moons are always about a highlighting of something. "Under the Light of the Full Moon" we see what's full - what's grown, expanded and is now visible, manifested from the seeds we scattered at the previous Leo New Moon.

What does this symbol mean? To me, it's the sound of intuition whispering in our ears, of the path we KNOW we should take. Will we? Often we go against our own advice (and wonder why no one else is really helping us out).

In Leo, emotions are always pretty obvious. They're either out there in the open, or else we're polluting rooms by withdrawing our Light (Leo rules the Sun) and we're known for the dark clouds we bring in our wake. Either way, our Light is felt by its very presence or it's lack.
Again we're reminded now that "darkness" is just a lack of light. And that there never is truly ever complete darkness in the world, as the Sun is always shining somewhere.

Maybe that's what we should bear in mind at the Leo Full Moon when we're bursting at the seems with Leo vitality that screams to be heard. If we don't receive the applause and respect our Leo side needs (we all have Leo in us somewhere, in our Charts) then we risk sulking, withdrawing and sitting on it, becoming the cold, calculated Aquarius (Leo's opposite sign).

At the Full Moon we always face a conflict to resolve - on the one hand the Sun shines in Aquarius saying BE AQUARIAN. Detach. Support a good cause. Help Society. Be a great friend.
The Moon shines in the opposite sign of Leo saying I NEED RECOGNITION. Can you be a creative and lovable politician? Can you use your stage presence star-status for the greater good? Are you just as good off stage in the supportive audience as you are lapping up the attention from your adoring fans? If you're ignored, what then? If someone heckles you, do you despise humanity? Is your audience limited and are you seeking the wrong people for the recognition you feel you deserve and desire?

We're ALL prima-donnas. We each want a bit of the Leo Sun. Watch American Idol to see how big 'anyone can be a star' ideologies have become. However, as the Moon also opposes Chiron (known as the wounded healer) we do run the risk of a few of our Aquarian "issues" to be triggered. People annoy us. We're told to love the world yet we see our ugliness in the prejudice we witness, in the people who don't give a rat's ass about any else. We see it in our politicians who are clearly NOT "for" the people. Aquarius is the Humanitarian but with Chiron here now, we tend to detest people but love humanity. Who was it who said "the problem with humanity is people"?

We can pretend to be spiritually evolved, but we'll always (this two week period anyway) get to see our wounds, our shadows, our emotional triggers (insecurities and fears) highlighted by others (opposition aspects always relate to relationship issues since we tend to project the problem onto someone else and fight it through them).

So with the Moon opposing Chiron, OTHER people are the ones who are too Leo or too Aquarius. Too show-offy or too cold-and-clinical. No, it can't be us. Our unmet needs of attention projected onto the person we see who steals the show. And the side of us who wants to not care less, is seen through the person whom clearly doesn't have a human heart....

Is this blog getting a little heavy? I agree. So let's move on to the juice:

No matter what, no matter where, no matter how we MUST release our Leo sides now - it's a NEED, a primal urge asking us to:

Get on Stage and Scream our Emotions
Let it rip! Dance your socks off, dress up, show off
Bring color back into your life!
Get artistic - paint a wall, a mural, make a birdhouse, stare at your reflection
Go to Vegas - live it up, go 5 Star to the best restaurant
Give up your childish ways but still remain childlike
Be generous NO MATTER who accepts it or who you think "doesn't deserve it"
Be proud of what you've done. You'll shine for it.
Stop seeking an audience. Be your own number one fan.
Finish up a painting, song, poem or some creative project you've been working on
Release your babies into the world (sell your work, find an agent, put on your show)

In Short - give your gift of your Leo side to the world. Your job. Your humor. Your ability to have a good time. Your smile. Your wink. Your flattery. Your musical/artistic/leadership talents. You're brimming full, under the Full Moon and trust me, there are few things worse than a Leo who has (temporarily) lost (or forgotten more like) their Light. That's Leo's job. To shine. That's it.

And the final point is this: to shine, to truly be a beacon and a Sun, sometimes our only job is to be ourselves, and not to try. Isn't one of the sun's main job to brighten dark skies?

So whatever shadows appear now, dispel them by turning up your own Pride, your own Self Respect, your own Self Love. Saturn in Leo right now is testing us all - to remain Loving no matter what, to remain Giving no matter what, to retain our Life Force - and not to get depleted or drained by life's vampiric nature.

Give back.
Empty your creative genius.
It's the only way to keep refilling.


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