Friday, February 02, 2007

This Moment...

Where are you at right now in your Life Cycle?

At "PMS" time - when everyone and everything seems to kick you between the legs, annoy you and make you wanna break something?

At "Celebration" time - when you're amazed things could work out so well, and you're feeling truly blessed.

At "Anticipation" time - when you have nothing yet everything. A magical moment of potential when the world's your oyster. (You quit your job, move with no security, or else throw yourself off the deep end).

At "Closure" time - when something ends and you're trying to decide where to go or what to do next?

There are so many points along each cycle. That's the beauty of our Astrology Charts. We set sail on a course determined by us prior to birth (the theory goes) and then we cast ourselves in our own drama and see if we can figure our way through it all. It's not our actions that truly matter in the end often, but our RE-actions - how we handle the events that life seems to bring our way. That's how we end up changing your own personal history - by redefining ourselves with each response.

That's where my current book comes in. I'm putting together a special manual of sorts to explain where you're at in your current cycle. Anyone will be able to use it as it does all the hard work for you. You'll need no knowledge of Astrology and gain a vast amount of wisdom by the end (hopefully!).

That's also where you come in: my clients, friends, family and strangers i talk to about their charts are all the teachers on my Path. I learn the more I see and experience (which is true wisdom in the end, isn't it) and I'd love to have your input in some of this too.

Just let me know WHAT is going on in your life or how you feel about certain things. Be as detailed or as bullet-point as you like. "Lost my job","Got married", "Ready to run away", "Excited about my new possibilities" etc. Your call. It'll all help me to put together a manual that is steeped in experience and reality as it is in Astrological Theory. We're all the melting pots where all of this wisdom comes together.

You can find the survey (its confidential and easy) at this page of my site, (on the right scroll down to the menu and you'll find it, along with a Sex Survey if you're so inclined).

Thanks a million billion for sharing your own life experiences - maybe they'll help someone else out on their path too. Being part of something bigger than yourself - you can't beat it.

Much Love,

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