Friday, March 09, 2007

Current Books I'm Reading...

...that you may find of use now that Mercury is Direct once more...

(you may need to activate images in this message if you're reading this blog through your email service to see the images of the books).

Ask And It Is Given, by Ester and Jerry Hicks.

An explanation of the Law of Attraction and how create our reality whether we know it or not.

The Vibrational Universe by Kenneth James Michael MacLean, for an outline of the manifestation process and how it works. Includes scientific info to help explain it in easier terms.

The Secret, DVD. Widely mentioned now, but a well presented explanation of the Law of Attraction and how to manifest what you desire. You can rent this now.

I came across this website which you may find of interest, I haven't yet read the book but will be taking a look.

Hope you enjoy these as I have,


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