Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sexual Subliminals & Mental Minefields: Mercury enters Scorpio

Sex on the brain?
Thinking about Halloween?
Talking about murder, death, destruction?
Pondering someone' secret motives?

Course you are. Mercury the mental messenger just flew into Scorpio, donned its X-ray machine and lie detector and is sniffing the shadows for signs of life. I'm sure you are too.
Mental energies become very deep now - if you're not analyzing your dreams you're performing psychic surgery on something or someone to find out how much you can trust it, or to find out how it really works.

Mercury shows what we're thinking about and chances are the news media (and our heads) are gonna be full of the dark depths of this season - masks, corruption, big money deals, debt, revenge, jealousy, addictions and Sex sex sex sex sex.

Who's not thinking, talking or wondering about sex stuff? Okay so as humans we spend most of the time thinking about it anyway, but with mercury now in Scorpio it's probably gonna rear its (ugly/filthy/dirty/sassy/lovely depending on your viewpoint) head again and again.

If you're confident with the "dark" side of life, you'll be confident when the light gets thrown on it this month. When we get to search the hidden corners of our psyche.

Dive deep, explore uncharted realms. Do a little self-therapy. Clear out mental cobwebs. Burn eucalyptus oil which I've been doing of late to clear your mind and soothe your overactive brain.

Trust yourself. We have no real control over anyone.
Get back to research, read occult books. Watch thrillers.
Dare to think or talk about taboos.
Rise above your own shadow.

Yes, it's a shady, subliminal time. But since sex is one of the most powerful forces around (ask any Scorpio) no wonder most societies have major issues with it still, (stamping it out, saying its 'bad') and no wonder religion tries to turn us away from it (control a person's personal power and you have them by them the sensitive parts, pun intended).

Astrology has always given people a chance to empower themselves. Maybe it's time to research more of it yourself (or Wicca, witchcraft, other energy work or things people told you were 'scary, wrong, evil'). Own a Tarot deck? investigate. These are all tools. You do the work but they all help in the process of awakening your latest intuition.

Animals are all still psychic. So are we. But who turned us away from trusting our own cosmic radar?

Enjoy an early Halloween and whatever hidden things you uncover.

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