Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Your Saturn Survival Guide!

With Karmic Saturn in a new sign, a new Karmic Lesson is upon us. In one area of our lives in particular, Saturn demands we tighten up, smarten up, straight up and work extra hard for the rewards we desire.

Where is that for you?

I've teamed up with Astrologers Kim Falconer & Mystic Medusa to offer you 12,000 + words of sign by sign usable, jargon-free info for turning Saturn through Virgo into an astute and supportive astro-influence.

Saturnalia will help you leverage the energy of this transit to bring you the most creative and productive results. It will also give you insights into what others--friends, spouse, partner, lovers--are experiencing. Get Saturn working for you!

Just $33 and it lasts till 2009!
3 page sampler here

Saturn Salutes,

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