Thursday, October 25, 2007

Following your Financial Flow: Taurus Full Moon

What do you value?

If you're not exactly sure, then look at what you:

* Spend money on
* Spend your time doing
* Get deeply involved in
* Do to earn money
* Surround yourself with
* Do with no compensation because you adore doing it
* Like having, enjoying, being

These things show us, (whether we agree with them or not) what we actually VALUE. And yes, they can be out of whack with what we 'claim' to value in life.

The Taurus Full Moon (Oct 25/26) opens a dialogue between our conscious and unconscious on what it is that we actually do value and if our values are aligned with our soul.

Where are you at materially? Is having little freeing you to pursue more "spiritual" goals? Is being "spiritual" going without financially? Is money "evil" or just another form of energy? Can you be rich spiritually and STILL have a comfy bank balance? What do you owe? Are you being honest or manipulating people out of their possessions?

Taurus is about money, but it goes deeper than that. It's about self-worth. The amont of comfort in your life RIGHT NOW is in direct proportion to how much comfort you feel able to handle. Maybe the things that bother you are in place (by you) to keep you from being too apathetic (if I have to struggle to survive, I can't be lazy..".
it's worth a thought.

Prosperity Consciousness: is happy with what it has, enjoys quality, knows that price tags don't mean a thing but will happily spend fully on what feels good. Knows that the Universe is limitless and that as fruit trees continue to shed apples, money going out will return, because they are using it to create and enjoy beauty and aren't withholding - from themselves OR others. Money is another form of energy - like hugs, or kisses. It's enjoyed, created to be enjoyed, allowed to come in and spent on continuing the cycle. It's not always about money though - it's just a sense of feeling rich no matter what, and money is a reflection of this. They are happy with whatever they have, they are full. They always are.

Poverity COnsciousnes: feels there is a limited supply so must hold on, save, scrimp and be "practical". Luxuries are a waste of money. Things have to be worked hard for. Others have more so in order to gain more, they have to withhold and protect what they have and give out little, in order to save it and make it grow. They worry it's all going to come to an end and they'll become homeless, or foodless so they live with the fear and therefore the need to safeguard and never FULLY enjoy what they have - as it may leave at any time. They feel lighter and cleaner having less, even though they may claim to want more.

Which one are you living in tune with most of the time? Since this forms the basis for most of your interaction with the materialisty (taurus) of this earth plane (and this lunar phase) it's time to get back in tune with what feels good to you.

At this Full Moon some good ideas:

Celebrate your soul's vehicle - your body
Eat well - cook a gourmet meal, bake bread, a cake, make muffins, make it a FEAST!
Save something - bargain hunt, sale shop, go for quality not quantity, but don't pay full price!
Count what you have - add up numbers, balance your checkbook, clear debts
Know what you have, and the decide what you want and need
HUG! Friends, family, strangers, anyone who'll let you! In return you'll be hugged. Give a massage or go get one.
Be sexual - enjoy everything about your body, and give up guilt
Value everything you do - after all it's an extension of you.
Do what makes you feel good
Sing - Taurus connects to the throat chakra and thyroid
Paint - Taurus is the sign of Art
Go Camping, hiking, for a walk in the park, to the beach, rock climbing, have a food or mud fight (Taurus is the sign of Nature)
Light scented candles, brew coffee, cuddle up under a blanket or with a teddy bear, burn incense, wear silk pajamas, listen to amazing music (taurus is the sign of indulging the senses)

With this Full Moon opposing Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio - it's time to stop dwelling on destruction, and to focus on the renewal of nutrients and new fertile soil (like the aftermath of a volcano) in which to plant new seeds of comfort.

As fires continue to rage on here in Los Angeles, a cleansing and a clearing is taking place. In Taurus, though, most of this will be a renewal (Scorpio) of priority and values (Taurus) as much that is material and financial (Taurus) is lost (Scorpio).

Under this Full moon - who would you be, and how would you be if you had all your possessions taken from you? It's worth a thought. Who are you when you strip it all away and who/how do you want to be?

In Beauty and Comfort no matter what,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Neil - My life has completely changed. I've lost a lot financially in the past 1 1/2 years, but with your help I've gained an inner peace that I never had before -- during famine or feast. I think you for helping me look at life through different eyes. I now know what I value and that I can survive. Thank you. With Love, Marti
