Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Best Things are Free...Venus enters Taurus

April 30: Venus enters Taurus.

If Venus is what we love, what we enjoy, how we show and receive satisfaction and affection, and what we find beautiful - then as she moves into the sign of Taurus tomorrow, we can surely find these things by going Back to Eden, back to the simplicity of peaceful pastimes, simple pleasures and solid, lasting values.

A walk in the park maybe? A hike? Sitting in the garden or on the deck or porch, reading? How about sipping lemonade by the beach? A nightly stroll? A warm bubble bath? Your favorite meal? The most inspiring piece of music playing on your headphones? Planting tomatoes or baking bread?

A hug to someone who needs it? Making love for the sheer pleasure of it - indoors, or even better - outdoors, where it all began? A comfy shirt, soft pants, a scented candle, a spray of cologne? A new painting, or visit to a gallery?

When was the last time you saw the sunrise, or the sunset? Listened to the songs of birds in your street?

Of course some things need to be paid for, of course we're still concerned how much we're earning and what we'll need for the new car/house/apt/ring/watch/vacation/project. This is Taurus Season after all, and that means 'the stuff we need to get by in the real world'. But when Venus slips into comfy Taurus tomorrow, let's not forget the simple joys, the easy pleasure of just enjoying what we DO have and the beauty surrounding us every day.

The best things in life really are free - just 'being'. Grounding ourselves in the physical plane. Which is where all the action (in this realm) takes place. Don't miss being here, with your attention on all the things you could have, could be and could experience. How about now, how about today?

Nature is right outside the door. It always was, before your home was built, before you opened a bank account. And it will be there again. Nature will grow through the window if you desert your house long enough, and swallow up the long-ago closed bank with greenery. Nature consumes all when we allow it. And that's our job when Venus enters Taurus - to bring "Eden" back - to allow ourselves to be consumed, if only for a moment. Not in a religious sense, but more in a symbolic and spiritually rich way - let the Natural lead the way, because Nature just "works" - no down payment, no deposit, no guarantees and no rules. It just IS.

Let the physical world support you this week by getting back to Nature. Your own. And the rhythm, rhyme and reason of the season, outside your window.

Beauty and Blessings,

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