Monday, June 02, 2008

Open Minds, Open Doors: Gemini New Moon (June 3)

Talk about an open mind....

With the new potentials streaming through your life right now, how could you keep the floodgates closed, be bored or wonder if life will change?

Open your eyes and ears!

From a notice in a magazine, an ad in a window in a local store, a meeting at a bus stop or train station, people are out there and they have what you need, what you want, what you need to hear and what you need to listen to, to move to the new level your life is asking of you.

No one's a stranger during a Gemini New Moon, they're a messenger.

And that goes for you - what gem of wisdom, what cosmic piece of someone else's jigsaw puzzle will you hand someone else, with just a few well-chosen words, or perhaps just thoughtless disregard. Either way, a message is delivered; right on time.

Things are said this week, letters are issued, mail is received, and stuff starts moving.

Remember though, we're under a Retrograde Mercury, and Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so listen but don't expect concrete results or definitive deals to be struck. We're talking IDEAS. You need them. We all need them. New vistas. Fresh air. New Focuses.

New cars, new computers, new cell phones, new plans, new carriers, new adventures, new books, new magazines, new languages, new names, new neighbors, new contacts, new conversations.

All of the above are starred for immediate deliverance into your life. A new desire for a new way, a new method, a new experience.

How you get from A to B is set to change.
What you talk about and how you talk about stuff is up for review.
Your writing is starred for a major overhaul or prominent reception.
Your voice changes - somehow you sound different or you change your broken records.
New neighborhoods call - who says you need to get stuck on your own street. Haunt a new 'hood!

Your life changes are only a thought away. What if....Just what if....

INFORMATION is Power. If you have a question, an answer is not far away
(who knows what form it may show up in).

So ask questions.
Share your findings.
Keep the information flowing.
Keep talking! Even if you disagree, keep the lines open. You never know who else wants to pass something along.

LIFE IS A BUFFET this week. What you don't like, let someone else have. Focus on something else, and someone may pass their plate on to you, with just what you ordered sitting waiting on it.

The Gemini New Moon is aided by MARS in LEO.
Thinking tied with ACTION creates results. Don't just think about it, TRY IT. Put your own stamp on it. OWN your process, by saying this is my Personal Touch. Be proud of your choices, because in every decision made, a piece of your life force glows brighter. If you're gonna do it this week, make it big, loud, proud and bold.

Tech Tip: The New Moon each month coincides with the Sun (yellow circle) and Moon (blue crescent) meeting up together in our Charts. Check the photo at the top to locate the New Moon in the sign of Gemini (3rd slice of the pie).

Stay tuned for special New Moon Readings!

Your Astrologer,

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