Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You can now Listen to this Blog!

If you check the right hand menu on this blog, you'll see the Audio button. You can now listen (or subscribe) to the Audio version. You'll hear the entries READ to you, so you can get on and do other things while you hear the New World Astrology Blog updates.

So you can get back to your zillion and other things you have to do without having to sit and read it all. But the text is there if (like me) you like something to chew on mentally (I love a good book). Check out the Odiogo link at the right hand side menu bar.

We're halfway through August and there are still some spaces for the discounted reading program I have run throughout this month only (a full Hour Reading at $100 instead of $175 for newbies, follow-ups for clients on file at the same rate instead of $140). Sign up here.

Your now audio-capable cosmic commentator,


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