Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sale Reports end tomorrow...

Reminder: Two Sales at the site (the accidental one and the correct one - both are still up and running!) end tomorrow so be sure to stop by and order up anything you want, desire, need etc for yourself or any gifts for others right now.

The Solar Return & Year Ahead Report Package - two reports to help you track the tides for a whole new year of your life. Outlining the themes, challenges, people, possibilities open to you in your New Chapter. Order yours here! $60.

The Full In-Depth Natal Report - 80+ pages (the last sent out was 101 pages but you're guaranteed over 80 minimum, each varies!) is the most extensive Personal Report on YOU you'll come across. Enter $60 at checkout. Order here instead (at the site it's the full price).

By the way - HAPPY ARIES FULL MOON - as fires rage here in Los Angeles, where is the heat of action, passion, assertiveness and dynamic focus in Your life? Get fired up!
More on that soon! Neil

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