Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scorpio Season: Karmic Insight & Past Life Package $30

Welcome to Scorpio Season! Yes, the Sun just crept into the shady sign of secrets, darkness, phoenix-like transformation and the passing of what needs to leave our lives. Ready?!

In honor of this season (my favorite - but I do have Scorpio Rising!) I've put together this special package of two reports. Both Scorpionic in nature - to show your soul's past, what you're dragging, and what you've gained from times before. And what you're here to work on now, clear and possible scenarios you may see repeating in this lifetime. 

Curious? You can grab your own for just $30 while the special is on. Read on....

Past Life Report

Ever wondered what life you led before? 
Why did you return? What lessons can be gleaned 
from your chart. Discover your soul's karmic past,  
present and future in this unique, fun, easy to follow 
and insightful Report.

Karmic Insight Report

What are you here to work on?
What patterns keep repeating - what did you do well
and what are you having to do over?
Free yourself from past lives and collect the karmic gold stars 
and gifts you've already learned before!

Both Reports combined Scorpio Season Special Package $30.
Order yours here.

Your voyager into the secret shadowlands of your soul,

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