Friday, November 21, 2008

2009 Early Bird Special Reading!

I've had some messages from you about the 2009 Early Bird Special, because I didn't mention it on the Blog here, so some of you missed it. It was on the front page and Current Specials page (the place to check out often for specials) but I know some of you have been knee-deep in personal transformations of am extending this for one more week.

Voila - you can find out all about this special 2009 Reading and book in advance for the next week only. And then I'll be offering it at the usual rate in January 09. So you can still book your place in advance and save a bit in the process.

2009 Early Bird Special

Here's to the new adventures that await you in 2009 and I look forward to lookingahead for you and with you!


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