Saturday, November 08, 2008

YOUR Destiny in a Paragraph...

In such changing times of instability, it's worth a quick look at eternal truths. I put this web-page together as a reminder for you of WHAT you're here working on, no matter what seems to be thrown at you under the current Astrological Climate.

Want a peak? Find out your Destiny Direction here.

There you'll discover which sign you're trying to become more like. This is your true path, to borrow attributes from the best they can be. Tough sometimes, but who said Destiny was a pushover? Once you're on track, however, it couldn't be smoother.

Bumpy ride? Chances are you're resisting what you came here to do!

If you know what HOUSE your North Node is in, look that up also.
Don't know? Ask me and I'll locate it for you.
Your Destiny Driver, Neil www. Neil World Astrology .com

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