Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Special Solar Eclipse Readings!

Feeling frenzies, frazzled and unsure what to do next?

Solar Eclipses turn out the light in key areas of our lives - to help us to re-member & re-vitalize those parts of us in need of re-awakening.

How often we forget to live as well-rounded souls, experiencing various facets of human existence! Solar Eclipses turn out the light in key areas of our lives - to help us to re-member and re-vitalize those parts of us in need of re-awakening. Those lagging areas in your life you now get to re-discover and re-explore with the aid of the Solar Eclipse.

CHANGE is here in your life, knocking at the door asking you to go. How will this Eclipse be affecting you for the rest of this year?

These Readings I am offering are specially designed to facilitate this change and help you locate where and what to expect it. Your Chart reveals the path ahead.

Find out more at the link below!

Schedule your personal Solar Eclipse Reading here.

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