Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Surgery on Friday 26th

Just a note to everyone, that I will be having some minor surgery on Friday, exiting this physical plane and being put under and waking up and finally having an unhealed skin abscess beautifully healed. Call it a mini vacation from consciousness (as my Progressed Moon passes through Pisces, how fitting). I'm so excited! Okay, that may be a bit much, but I am very thankful to be having this done.

So my Readings and Radio Appearances will be on hold until the following week, and I'll report back and let you know how it all went.

If you're around on Friday at 9.30am Pacific time, do something fun to balance out my lying in an operating theatre (although that could be classed as fun too, all a matter of perception eh?!)

I'll be back with you soon, enjoy your week and enjoy your body's health - it comes first in everything, specially now that Saturn is in Virgo.

Keep smilin',

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Karen6:02 PM

    Wishing you a speedy healing, Neil. And thank you for a brilliant and generous column.
    With love and a gentle hug.
