Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sep 18 New Moon meets Saturn/Uranus opposition

The New Moon falls this morning at 11.44am Pacific. In honor of this, for a 3 hour period I am available for discounted Readings (per minute to the length you choose) at

Time: 11.40am -2.40pm. Readings 3.99/min (usually 5.99)

The New Moon falls in Virgo and conjuncts Saturn and opposes Uranus.

What does this mean? There is no escape - you have to get your shit together. You have to clean up straighten up, tighten up, and deal with the reality you have created. No finger pointing. No Blame.

It's THE time to get things on track again, to launch amazing new ideas, work projects, health regimes, and to give your life a major and thorough cleansing.

We need it. What isn't working for you, makes itself OH SO CLEAR in this next two weeks. Do yourself a favor, stop slacking off. Improve it, or ditch it.

An amazing time!

See you tomorrow for the 3 hour discount special!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Oh those lessons so hard to learn.

    As a Virgo I'm ready for school to be out for awhile.

    I sent this blog to several.

    Hope you're well. Thanks for being out there! Love, Marti
