Tuesday, January 26, 2010

CD Series: 2010 and Your Sign!

My Audio CD Series is now complete!

You can order your Sun Sign Forecast and Rising Sign Forecast for 2010, covering the entire year, with all the important planetary cycles you need to make the year ahead your best year yet.

These audios are taken from a series of 12 unique classes, and are specific to you and your individual sign.

Areas covered include: Your Saturn Karmic Lessons & Challenges this year, Your Jupiter areas of Abundance/Grow/Good Fortune, what the Solar Eclipses and Lunae Eclipses mean for you personally, what to expect, what to create and align with, and what to be aware of.

A whole 45 mins on each sign. Order yours now!
Special rate for ordering two Cds.

Find out more and order yours here.

CDs are mailed to you, postage inclusive in price.

Enjoy my gift to you for 2010!
Your Astrologer,

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