Wednesday, November 17, 2010

20% off All Reports!

It's the Holiday Season once more.

Oh no! I'm sure most of you are recoiling in dread. Yep, it's been a tough year for all of us. No one has been immune to those pesky critters of Doubt, Fear, Lack, Worry, Stress in virtually all areas of life. Somewhere, your birth chart has been impacted this year, by things happening on a global scale.

But wait, the good stuff comes now too - meals with family, twinkling fairy lights, that magical feeling we all remember as a child.

To help ease the stress, and bring a bit of sparkle to you, I have a special offer lasting from now til Dec 25 -
20% off all the Astrology Reports

There are ones on your Life Blueprint, Past Lives, ones for your Children (if you're a parent you'll see how you show up in THEIR charts!), your year ahead, your Relationship Compatibility, the weird Centaur Report (that I recently re-read and found fun, bizarre and very cool), the mega 80-100 page Full Natal, and a heck of a lot more.

Who wants to read the entire list?! No one, so just click here and go check them out!


Just enter your coupon at checkout.
Unlimited Use. Ends Dec 25.

Your Astrologer,

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