Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aquarius

Our emotions now turn to creating space and distance in order to breathe and gain perspective, under the airy Aquarius Moon. Cancer Season is anything but detached - we're attached to the outcome, to how we feel, to our past, protecting our past and safeguarding our security.

Something has to give under this combo - we need to stand apart from even our own history - we need to be different (non-reactionary for example) than those who have gone before us.

Since Cancer Season shines the spotlight on our home situation, family matters, stuff from our past and our feelings, the Aquarius Moon helps us break free from old patterns, detach from drama, and look at things in a whole new light. We may even be able to find a radically new approach to old matters. But first we must pull back from repeating patterns, instead breathing new life into our lives. Then, our pasts become storehouses of valuable material and information, and no longer traps containing old ways of being, reacting and feeling.

Freedom comes when we find a new way to feel, and a new way to respond.

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