Friday, August 02, 2013

Free $10 Voucher for Star Notes subscribers!

Since the fire in May, I have been unable to keep up with the Star Notes newsletter, sent out to those of you who signed up for the 2013 subscription. The 10% discount promised you all year long I can no longer honor due to the store being redesigned also. But the prices for all the New Reports (arranged by category now!) are the Best Value Anywhere Online at a 300% discount now instead!

If you were one of my paid subscribers to the Star Notes newsletter simply remind me with an email to with STAR NOTES in the subject heading and I will send you a $10 voucher to use for the New Reports at the store.   (I'll know when I see your name, so no trying to sneak yours in if you didn't pay the $25 subscriber fee at the start of the year!).

Thanks for your understanding and I hope you enjoy your gift!
Your Astrologer,

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