Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome to 2017:The Year of Honesty

How are you faring in the second week of 2017?

Due to time restraints and my writing projects, Weekly Scopes are now Weekly Thoughts - a look at the week ahead For Us All, instead of the traditional Sun/Rising Sign approach. I am hoping this helps illuminate prevailing cosmic weathers and our choices in *how* we approach these transits - with less emphasis on fated-experiences, and more on personal choice and evolution. We are, after all, In This Together. And you have Your Say, in how you choose to participate. Not choosing, is also a free-will choice. If you tire of the new format, I will try to continue the Individual Weeklies..

Despite my lessened social media presence in 2016, I am still hard at work behind the scenes with Readings. maintaining the websites, compiling the new books and continued talks with the TV peeps (getting nearer!) - amidst my own healing journey - Chiron has been passing over my Sun and Mercury for some time now, bringing home the actual work involved in Facing And Healing Wounds. It's not always pretty, and positive thinking only gets us so far...but from loss does come gain, I can assure you...and all dark nights of the Soul inevitably give way to the bright dawn. If you stick them out. All wisdom borne of the Scorpio Rising "Transitions &Trauma" school of life, which I will happily share with you in my work and writings - and Readings - this year.

If you haven't yet ordered one, make 2017 the year you invest back into Yourself and wake up to the beauty and truth of who you are, while acknowledging and smoothing out the rougher edges of your personality or life path. The Personal Astrology Reports I offer will not only remind you of your ultimate cosmic strength, power and possibilities (areas of guaranteed success this lifetime) but help support me in my continued work, so Thank You! You can also help us both by ordering a copy of Surfing Your Solar Cycles - a friendly and informative pep-talk to accompany you every month of your life through your ever-evolving Personal Cycles. Guaranteed, you'll find something new in each reading.

You can browse all that's on offer here.

As we move through 2017, Personal Truth becomes more obvious, thanks to karmic Saturn in Honest Sagittarius, as we continue to face the decision to either blossom into more open-minded citizens of the world, with Integrity, Optimism and Authenticity...or...face the dark tangents of prejudice, discrimination, deflated hope and loud-mouthed hyberbole.

In short, the difference between the Sincere and Insincere, the Real and the Phony, becomes ever clearer...if we listen to the voice of Intuition, forever whispering in our ears. Talk is cheap; actions will always speak louder. And the loudest voice, is not necessarily true.

Watch the Watcher; Judge the Judges.

First Weekly Thoughts is up - expect more in depth next time, each Monday - or additional, when something of note is brewing.

To the many adventures in store for us all, in 2017.

I salute you, fellow earthling!

Your Astrologer,

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