Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bigger is Better?

Epics are always Sagittarian by Nature. One need only look at the men behind the movies - Spielberg and Lucas both share Sagittarian Planets. Though I haven't yet peeked (let me know if you do before me) that Peter Jackson shares some strong Jupiter/Sag themes in his own chart. Why? Because he was the director behind The Lord of the Rings (for those who are interested, the 'Two Towers' installment came not long after the Twin Towers fell in New York (A Gemini city, during the time Saturn the planet of karma was moving through Gemini, opposing Pluto in Sagittarius, sign of religion and overseas).

Jackson is now directing King Kong - with Sag size always becomes a consideration. it's no wonder it's seen as the most Over The Top sign (Jupiter was all about big parties and lots of food - and partners).

So is it any surprise that Peter Jackson's new film King Kong has gone $32m (£18m) over budget but the studio remains happy, as the BBC reports? (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4384458.stm)

Not really.

Keep an eye out for more size issues. Sagittarius expands, pushing back the boundaries - but where do we draw the line?!


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