Tuesday, December 06, 2005

One for Freedom - Sagittarian Laws allow Gay Marriages

Under the spectacular and wide-reaching Sagittarian New Moon the UK finally decided to make gay Marriages legal. Legal proceedings of course are wholly Sagittarian in Nature. Under this particular New Moon (Sagittarius relates to overseas) more countries will begin to follow suit. After all, who wants to be left standing behind 'archaic old England'.

This is good news for all of us - and a point on the side of Freedom. Sagittarian principles of fairness, honesty and integrity are upheld. Of course Sagittarian Religion comes into play - and as Pluto the planet of Death and Rebirth continues his karmic cleansing of this sphere of life (since he's sneaking through Sagittarius while we speak) this new laws comes as a blow to 'traditional and outdated religious thinking that people should be separated from each other due to sexuality.

Three cheers to Sagittarius and even more to Pluto's insistence on honesty, fair dealings and justice.



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