In 8 days, Venus will turn retrograde (Jul 26 - Sep 6), coinciding with a major influx of Relationship Ripples - from old haunts, to current ghouls, the ones that got away to the ones you ran away from. Love (Venus) must now confront her own shadow-self - narcissism, manipulation, selfishness and criticism /the need for Perfection - since she begins her retro in detail-driven-Virgo.
Look up and you've no doubt seen her shining BRIGHTLY above us, as she paired with Jupiter. Financial matters (also Venus) are re-examined - from spending habits, to credit cards, bank accounts and the possible pursuit of luxury and 'things' to fill a void in our sense of self-worth (another Venus attribute). Are we living beyond our means Or way under our full potential?
Venus is currently at the final degree of Leo - the pursuit of personal pleasure is necessary. So does creativity in all it's forms: music, art, theatre, dance, childhood freedom. Find a way to express what is in your Heart now, while you still can.
For without the strong self-pride we learn while Venus passes through Leo, we pass insecurely and uncertainly under Venus' Virgo critical eye.
Enjoy yourself right now.That in itself is an Act of Love. And then prepare to Work on Yourself as Love moves us from high drama to a low, calmer tide of self-examination and the exploration of what is not working as it could or should in our pockets and in our hearts...
Did you know you can compare your Chart with someone else's and also create a third chart - the Chart of the Relationship Itself? Very revealing and highly recommended.
They're the most ordered Reports at the site, for very good reason. Check out the RELATIONSHIP Reports if you're in the throes of partnership changes...
Love Thyself!
Your Astrologer,