Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hitting the fan: Mars Direct Dec 10

Bickering about money? Fights about materialism? is 'stuff' bogging you down? Itchy, tickly or sore throat? What about the bank? Short of cash? Scratching for change? Stuck in a rut?

Angry? Irritable? Stressed beyond belief? Ready to kill someone? Getting into arguments?
Ready to head for the countryside and retire? Ready to sue, stomp, destroy? Refusing to budge?

Welcome to Mars Direct. The planet of anger, aggression and sexual energy just stopped its retrograde motion and suddenly, in the sign of taurus, it's full speed ahead (which is next to impossible).

A sudden surge of energy is sure to cause some financial shifts - watch the news for bankruptcy, or issues with banks or people fighting over their 'goods'. Values become clear - we fight for what we hold dear to us. Perhaps we'll go too far, but Mars suddenly reminds us what we VALUE and DESIRE in the sign of Taurus.

Get close to the Earth. hug a tree. go barefoot. feel grass. sit and relax. Listen to Nature. Right now, not much else will make sense. This week, anger, assertiveness and energy is high - things are coming back into balance.

Where do your desires and values lie now?

This past month has been a reorientation on WHERE and HOW we use our energies. Wasted your time? Mucking around with the wrong stuff, people, priorities?

Material matters either matter greatly now or don't matter at all. Make sure whichever side of the coin you fall on, you're dedicated to spiritual matters above all else. When all changes (which it will) they remain.

in taurus, Mars wants what lasts forever. Values often do. What is 'reality' to you? It's what you invest your energy (Mars) into, Financial, emotional, physical and intellectual.

Feed only the fires you want to keep you warm this winter. The rest are embers of an old way, an old life. The best things in life truly are free, and that stuff is the stuff that refuses to change because it's tied to Universal Truth.

Enjoy the energy, just don't get caught up in all the 'stuff' that truly doesn't matter. Increase your spiritual sense of abundance and the physical delights are sure to follow!


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