Even those with no basic knowledge of Astrology have either heard of it, or know it’s a time of glitches. Type in “Mercury Retrograde” in any search engine and you’ll be inundated with vast examples of what can happen during this period. Astrology is all about observation, patterns, cycles.
This one’s back - on November 14, 2005 to be exact when Mercury, turns reteograde in Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a laughable period of confusion and chaos.
Sagittarius is the sign of travel – so look to travel plans going belly-up. If you’re going anywhere, have a backup plan. Know your route, expect to change it. Your method of travel may have to change. Gas prices may suddenly spike. Car insurance may suddenly shift (avoid buying a new car now but do take yours in for a check-up). No doubt the airline industry will receive another blow or a whole host of problems, probably relating to the computer or scanning equipment.
On May 15, 2002, the very day Mercury stationed and went retrograde, United Airlines unintentionally sold round-trip tickets for less than $25 on its website for about 45 minutes. Maybe we’ll get to be so lucky again.
Sagittarius relates to gambling, so the lotto could star in the news headlines with some confusion surrounding tickets. Or perhaps Vegas receives its share of funky slots. Again, we can only hope. Throw education in the pool (possible strikes or stories involving Universitiy ‘rules’ or problems with examinations or results) and it’s sure to be a fun time. Lega issues always surface during this time – from Judge Judy small claims courts to full-scale media extravanganzas. Don’t expect the aniticpated result. It’s anyone’s guess now. Let the drama begin!
Overseas issues from the past reappear – as do people from our past. Is there a foreigner in your life scheduled to make a reappearance? The overseas counts of the The presidential election on November 7, 2000 is a perfect example of Mercury shifting direction. Look at the lost ballot and the ‘hung chads’, Mercury began its retrograde movement on October 18 and ended it on election night, November 7. Astrologers watched and laughed as confusion reigned over what was a legal vote and what wasn't, missing ballots, disagreement over whether ballots should be recounted mechanically or by hand, frustrating delays, miscommunication, and six weeks of legal battles over the close Florida vote that brought about a decision by the U. S. Supreme Court. The perfect time for a little ‘jiggery-pokery’ on the part of those who wanted to create their own desired result.
Guaranteed, since the election fell then, more presidential ‘errors’ or Mercury deceit will surface during any further Mercury Retrograde periods. Keep a look out.
Religion – ah, a must favored area of contention on Planet Earth. Mercury retrograde could throw the churches into some major areas of disagreement. The past returns and we’re urged to slow down and retrace our steps. Maybe it’s time for religion to eat some more humble pie?
This awkward period begins a few days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until December 4, when the Winged Messenger Mercury reached his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.
Everything finally comes out in the wash by December 21, 2005, when he passes the point when he first went retrograde.
Mercury is concerned with listening, observing, thinking, and communicating. He rules sibling relationships, aunts and uncles, travel plans, vehicles, information, appointments, sales, and postal services.
Three or four times each year, Mercury appears to reverse his path. During Mercury retrograde cycles, thought processes, decision-making, all forms of communication, and transportation move into a strangely unpredictable state. It’s not a great time to launch something - (Sagittarius rules publishing so it’s not a good time to launch your new book for example) unless it is connected with something from the past that you must re-experience.
You’re advised to postpone starting major new enterprises, signing documents, buying and selling, and big decisions/ commitments until after Mercury turns direct in motion (by Dec 21 at the latest).
If you DO happen to make a major decision, face the fact you’ll probably change your mind (or change on you). Phones or internet connections made now seem to get cross-wired or take ages. Leases signed now turn out to be difficult to get out of, or not what you wanted. Loopholes do exist, but the new job you take on may cause issues you didn’t forsee. The question is – are you SURE about this. Think, then think again.
New information is received now – so stay open and don’t narrow your field of vision. Commiting yourself either verbally or by signature two or three weeks prior to, during, and a couple of days following a Mercury retrograde cycle is usually a waste of time.
Schedule changes, delays, telephone message and mail mix-ups, scrambled e-mail, misunderstandings, transportation problems, and keys misplaced or locked in the car are all fun adventures during this time. Forewarned is forearmed, so laugh it off wherever possible and for goodness sake slow down (and wear your belt).
The answer? Take a mental time out. Nothing is THAT important we need to scramble to do it NOW NOW NOW. The Universe doesn’t work that way. Opportunities will exist after this period, so theres truly no hurry. The ratrace people and those who love the game, will push and only lose out now. You’ll gain by going with the flow.
The word “redo” figures strongly now - revise, research, rethink, recount, reconsider, reorganize, reevaluate, rewrite, reschedule, recheck. Save your computer information – back up hard drives, and stick to what you’ve already done. EDIT, POLISH, PRACTICE. Don’t add new material. Finish up what you’ve started. In short – CATCH UP WITH YOURSELF.
If Mercury is your planetary ruler (Gemini & Virgo) ... or if you work in Mercury-related occupations--journalists, printers, stationers, computer programmers, telephone operators, postal employees, radio and television announcers, teachers, clerical workers, and those connected with transportation will feel this phase most strongly.
The past always returns now – so keep an eye out for a call or email from an old friend. Is your past ‘clean’? Any loose ends will appear, so take care of them, this time round. Or wrap it up once and for all by forgivng and forgetting (Mercury = memory)> Let go of the past and it will let go of its hold on you.
How do you respond to crisis? With anger and resistance? Or with an increased awareness of the continual necessity to shift gears or look at life with renewed vision? A Fire retrograde will test your ability to respond to life with spontaneous energy, and to be more creative with your decision to change.
Sagittarius is a fun, adaptable sign – adventurous, philosophical and fun. This should help us out. Don’t get so fiery if things don’t go your way. Find a new way to play. Sagittarius rules HUMOR – this will be our saving grace when change comes calling and we’re knocked off our game. It’s good once in a while to see we’re not in COMPLETE control. Who’s to say the delay isn’t for the best? Sometimes the red light, the road block, the unset email and the unspoken thought really do help us out. If we’re too proud, egotistical and domineering (Sagittarius can get preachy and holier-than-thou) we may miss out ona golden opportunity now that comes to us by screwing up our ‘best laid’ plans.
As always let’s sit and watch and wait and see what happens. I hope wherever you end up, you’re stranded on the side of the road with greener grass (is your cup half full?) and a buddy or two to laugh it off with. Cars breakdown, not people. If you’re sick and tired, take a chill pill and email me in the morning…and if I don’t’ reply, email again. You know how Mercury Retrograde can be….