Venus is Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn from December 24th, 2005 to February 3rd, 2006.
Time Periods
22 Nov 2005 02:42 pm 1601' Venus Enters Rx Zone
24 Dec 2005 04:35 am 0128'Rx Venus Stationary Retrograde
03 Feb 2006 04:21 am 1601' Venus Stationary Direct
06 Mar 2006 11:23 pm 0128' Venus Leaves Rx Zone
As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are times when we re-assess what—and who—we value. It is a period that most astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship. Major financial undertakings are not advised during this period as well. Venus retrograde cycles are good times for creating budgets and financial plans, and for re-thinking our personal relationships. Taking action in the areas of finance and love is not advised until Venus turns direct again.
Because Venus rules beauty and aesthetics, Venus Retrograde is a less than ideal time for beautification processes (new hairdos, enhancements, purchasing a new wardrobe, and so forth), renovations, re-decorating, and the like. Because Venus is associated with social events, parties may not go as planned.
On the subject of love, past lovers may re-appear and some relationships may end. With Venus in Capricorn for most of its retrograde cycle, our fear of rejection may be strong. Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships. Venus retrogrades when it conjuncts Chiron, the wounded healer, suggesting that we may be nursing our relationship wounds during this cycle. We are called to deal with relationship issues from the past.
Think back to what may have happened during the last few Venus retrograde cycles (April through July 2004, September through December 2002. February through May 2001). Although each retrograde cycle is different, similar issues may arise. In fact, some of the issues we faced then may need to be dealt with now. Events occur that seem fated or pre-destined. It will be a real challenge getting close to a lover during this period of time. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored.
Particularly around the days of Venus' stations (December 24th, 2005 and February 3rd, 2006), hold your tongue. If you are itching to argue with a lover, try to hold off. It is likely that you will have a change of heart once the station passes, and you can do a lot of damage in the meantime.
Some people are more sensitive to Venus retrograde cycles than others. For example, I know of one woman, with no knowledge of these cycles, who broke up with partners in each of the last three Venus Retrograde cycles!
Venus-ruled Taurus and Libra natives are likely to be particularly sensitive to the effects of Venus Retrograde. Also, people who have Taurus and/or Libra associated with love or financial areas of their chart tend to be more affected than others. This includes Aries Ascendant natives (because Libra is on the house of partnerships and, often, Taurus is on the cusp of their income house, the second). Taurus or Libra on the fifth house of romance is another indicator, and those people who have Venus in Taurus or Libra are also quite sensitive to the cycle.
Aries and Aries Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your tenth house of career and reputation. For the time being, the social aspect of relationships on the job may be compromised somewhat. Be as non-judgmental as you can with co-workers during this cycle.
Taurus and Taurus Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your ninth house of faith and adventure. With Venus as your ruler, you are especially sensitive to all of the Venus Retrograde issues described above. An argument over personal philosophies of life can get you into hot water.
Gemini and Gemini Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Hold onto your money, work on a budget, and avoid arguments with loved ones that revolve around intimacy and sexuality. An argument over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. What you say now can have serious ramifications.
Cancer and Cancer Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your seventh house of one-to-one partnerships. Misunderstandings with your partner now can do serious damage. If you need to talk through problems, do your best to be as non-judgmental as possible, and don't over-react to what your partner has to say either. Things will look much better in February and March.
Leo and Leo Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your sixth house of work, health, and habits. In addition to the general cautions outlined above, the social aspect of relationships on the job may be strained for the time being. Do your best not to let people get to you. Put off beautification processes during this cycle.
Virgo and Virgo Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your fifth house of romance, speculation, entertainment, and children. Because the cycle directly affects your sector of romance and speculation, you should be especially wary of jumping into arguments with a lover and taking a risk gambling. You may feel you are on shaky ground in the romance department. You don't need to share all your feelings with a lover right now, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions if your lover needs a little space.
Libra and Libra Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your fourth house of home and family. The last week of December, however, can be a challenging one for you in the romance department. Don't jump to conclusions if a lover is acting a little distant. Wait it out. In January, relations with your family may be a little strained. You might want to wait until Venus is direct before you express your frustrations with family members! What you say now may be costly. Furthermore, if you take the time to think about things, your approach to dealing with these issues in February is likely to be much more productive.
Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your third house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. You are likely to withdraw from chit-chatting during this period, and this might alienate a few people, especially siblings and perhaps neighbors. You may be misreading body language as well.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your second house of money and values. As such, in addition to the general cautions outlined above, hold on to your money. Take the time to re-think your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period, and avoid making any big purchases until February or March.
Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your first house of personal appearance and mannerisms. Venus is retrograde in your sign. This retrograde cycle will affect your manner. Others are likely to misunderstand what you do and say, and misread your body language. Try to keep things status quo with regards to your love life. Don't worry if a lover isn't quite "getting" you for the time being. Things will change once Venus turns direct.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your twelfth house of all that lies beneath the surface of things. In the last week of December, Venus is retrograde in your sign before it moves back into Capricorn come January, and you might find that others are misreading and misunderstanding you. Keep things status quo in your love life as much as possible. You are likely to be more withdrawn than usual, which can be a source of concern for your lover.
Pisces and Pisces Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle affects your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Your friendships or associations with groups may be a little strained during this period--a time when you may withdraw and others might misinterpret your intentions.
(courtesy of Cafe Astrology).
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