The New Moon is always one of my favorite times for the simple fact that it allows us to 'start over' or to at least start something New. (New Moon = New Energy, simple to remember).
The New Moon on Jan 29 falls in the progressive, intelligent air sign of Aquarius.
What does that mean for everyone? The New Moon in Aquarius presents an excellent time to commit to living "outside of the box" - by breaking a few of your own 'life rules'. If energy is stuck, it's time to find a new dynamic way ahead.
Looking to the future becomes a major theme at this time - perhaps you're wondering where your career is headed, if you're set for a pay-raise, where you'll be in a week, month, year from now. Brainstorming is easy at this New Moon - fresh information pours in and you'll be surprised by the ideas and answers you get - they won't be anything like the ones you've come up with (or been given) before.
Having a vision becomes essential under an Aquarian New Moon. Like-minded souls come into focus - or friendships that aren't right for you begin to fade from view. You may reconnect with old friends or make some entirely new ones. Stoke the ones you have that guide you and nurture you, get out and socialize - it's worth getting out of your comfort zones on the night of the New Moon this month, who knows who you could meet!
After the intensely emotional Cancer Full Moon it's a great time now to put passion on the backburner, and not be so touchy about anything. Detach - get some air and breathe, become more objective and scientific and rational about things. Perspective is everything.
Breaking free of convention is perfect now - I'm sure we'll see some quirky new stories of rebels, inventions, scientific progress and some oddball stories you can only hear at an Aquarian New Moon.
The Status Quo gets a slap now - after all, how can we evolve unless we leave 'tradition' behind?
Be a friend - to everyone. Brother and Sisterhood is the key theme now - if it's not good for everyone, forget it. By all means destroy the mainstreams notions of what is right. Do it YOUR way but don't go too far, make it useful and helpful to the Planet as a whole, remember everything is connected, pollute your world and it affects everyone else.
Detachment and distancing ourselves from our habits and attachment to the past will help us break away from destructive behaviors that are holding us back. Now's the time to experience true freedom, when you turn your back on your own past and say 'Thanks for the lessons, it's time to break free and go conjure up a new reality to live in.'
Enjoy the fresh air of this crazy, quirky, funny, topsy-turvey New Moon!
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