The Comfort Zone is an interesting thing.
At the end of the day it provides us with little else but constancy - a place to feel 'safe'. It keeps us confined to a life of the 'same' because we keep within its narrow corridors and passageways.
When the Full Moon falls in Cancer tomorrow (the sign of the nest, emotional safety, comfort, home and our roots) we get to do what we're never encouraged to do by society at large - leave the nest.
How will this manifest for us? That's entirely up to us of course.
You decide to move home to a better nest, better soil.
You leave family
You uproot and give up a place, relationship, life path you've been staying with for no good reason.
You have it out with your source of emotional support (your Mom, your family, your friends, your lover) in order to free yourself from dependency on any external sense of safety, support or comfort.
Comfort Zones are fine for protecting ourselves - but when does a home because a trap? When do we begin furnishing a rut? Are emotions causing your life to spiral out of control? Are you so needy you expect others to cater to your every desire? Are you happy and 'safe' inside your own skin?
That is the ultimate meaning of this Full Moon - let go of anything that is either defining your sense of safety and comfort, and anything that is providing too much of it. Cut free and sail off into the oceanic abyss, and let Nature take care of you.
Emotions explode now - tears, laughter, anger - if you've repressed throughout last year, it blows the lid off now. Water becomes important - look for messages in spills, bursts, flooding (there's sure to be major news story on this too as the weather reflects our emotional temperament).
It's never easy to fly the nest. After all isn't our nest a sign of what we've chosen to keep close, sustain and strengthen, provide and protect? Yes - but we're changing, and thus the nest (or our concept of it) must change too.
Any area showing a lack of comfort comes to the forefront now - if you're not comfy, change it. If your past is keeping you stuck on 'replay' mode, release it. Forgiveness becomes a bit part - don't dance with the drama source, but do forgive it and forgive yourself for any involvement.
Our Homes are interesting places. What goes on behind closed doors. Often the most together and business-like people are the ones who go home and turn into needy children, and a partner to cater to their inner child's needs (which reminds me of those businessmen you hear who like wearing diapers and being bottle-fed, paying for a form of emotional prostitution).
Who's Mothering you? Are you looking after yourself?
Is your home reflecting who you truly are or could you throw stuff away?
Do you use your past as a reference point still for what happens now?
Do you need to let go of or resolve family tension?
Can you give up security and risk growth?
And finally - look at what you claim you "need" - and see that it quite possibly may not be a need after all, but a want or a desire. Needs involve, food, water and shelter. basic requirements.
The rest is a desire. I "need" sex. I "need" a cigarette. I "need" a hug.
By all means indulge, and seek to satiate your pleasure centres, but remember that under a Cancer Full Moon, we're cut free of any apron strings we incorrectly believe we need.
Self-mother, self-love, rejoice in every emotion, and Love it All. And you'll sail through this Full Moon. The tides pull strong now - after all the Moon is Cancer's ruling planet - and a Full Moon in this sign - phew! It brings out the lunatics (lunar-tics) and I've even noticed Mitri, the Cancer cat that I live with, going a little nutty.
Howl, scream, cry, laugh, sing - FEEL your feelings, and then move through them. We are not how we feel, we are not where we live, we are not what our hearts yearn for. We are complete, whole and rediscovering ourselves again through the jigsaw pieces we encounter day by day.
Feel! That's the whole point on Earth (an anagram of Heart, remember).
Where are your e-motions (energy in motion) driving you? In circles or to a better place?