Check out the main site for the Valentine's Special!
For one week only I'm offering a Free Report when you order a Relationship Report. The great thing about these Reports are you can choose one for your friend, family member, colleague or partner. Plus you get something back for yourself free of charge, and isn't that what Valentine's Day is all about - giving something good to yourself? I agree.
This Valentine's Day, no matter how much you detest it because you're single, or even because you're coupled, no matter how much you dislike the commercial edge, feb 14 continues to stand out as the day of Lovers. This year it vibrates to a '6' (numerologically - 2/14/2006 - 15 = 6)
6 is the Number of Venus, the planet of Affection so that's a great sign. Venus falls in the sign Capricorn this year on feb 14 - a sign not noted for its open demonstrations of love and affection. Gifts this year will be practical more than anything else - tokens of appreciate and useful, not so much flowers and chocolates. Capricorn likes quality and status, so it may be for show, but you know it's classy.
Venus receives beautiful aspects from Jupiter, the planet of indulgence and good times, so people are likely to want to go overboard despite the Capricorn earthiness of the day but the Moon drifts through Virgo so all in all we'll keep our heads. It's not the best day for opening screaming how you adore someone or for chasing the person of your dreams, but people will feel the desire to be grounded and solidify their commitments and connections. Love is real and genuine today, not phoney and dreamy, but it's built to last and that's better than any quick one night of passion.
Wherever you end up on Feb 14 this year, give a thought for the one true love of your life. Not the first person to steal or break your heart, or the one you lust or pine for. But the one you look at in the mirror every morning.
Astrologically we attract and experience all that we are - either by expressing it ourselves or bringing people into our lives to play the role. Either way we get to live it.
Astrology is an amazing tool to discover your energy, your wavelength, your frequency. And once you know who you are, you know what you need and can set about attracting just that. Then the Game Begins, and that's what life is all about, right? Playing to the max.
I hope you enjoy the Valentines special offer - and I hope that whoever reads the Reports, yourself included, you ignite the flame inside and realize just how unbelievably amazing you are.
Venus just stopped its retrograde path and its message has been clear since 2006 began - if you love yourself, truly love yourself, why would you ever accept anything less than greatness in your life?
Look around you - if you aren't receiving the respect and love you deserve, then it's time for a change. Feb 14 is a reminder that without self-love we have nothing. So indulge yourself and know that, without you, the world would be a much different place.
If you're reading this, you're alive, in a physical body and deserve to be here and you're here for a reason. Imagine that. Who cares if you still don't yet know, time reveals everything. These Reports are a step along the way, a puzzle piece, a clue.
So quit sitting in darkness and have a grand old time this Feb 14
Chocolate kisses and seductive scorpio-rising smiles....
Neil xxx
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