Saturn, planet of structure, rules, regulation & red-tape has finally turned Direct again.
If you have Capricorn Rising pr planets in the sign of the water-goat, you'll be feeling the lurch forward. A new rule appears, or a new restriction or you're forced to work a little harder, work on your time-issues or get back on track.
If you're a Leo, you have to be careful you don't forget what you've learned to date. Some more lessons are on the way, and you may have been sidetracked lately, well now it's time to snap out of it and get working on improving yourself and your corner of the world.
If you're an Aquarius, Scorpio you will also feel some major ripples, as you try and maintain your current situation but improve it, without causing too many unncessary changes.
Whatever House Saturn rules in your own chart, expect a push (or shove) to take care of matters there. You simply can't ignore them. Wherever Saturn is natally, gets a burst of energy too - if you're 28 - 30 years old, your Saturn Return may have been prolonged of late, so expect to make headway - and a second chance to 'grow up' and 'step up' to the plate.
The gifts await you if you buckle down and do what you know you need to do, or have always wanted to. Saturn will reward you handsomely.
What does Saturn Direct mean for us all? More Governmental crap I'm sure - Saturn will set some new boundaries, and since Government IS Saturn, (heirachy and powers that be) you can expect lawmakers to suddenly raise their voices to amend or continue some older ideas that fell by the wayside.
Personally, Saturn Direct is a cold bucket of water on the head - a wake up call that you may hear as a deafening noise, or a gentle nudge, depending on how on-track you are. You're not above the law, but you're above your OWN law - but wait, if you don't have rules in place, how can you set about correcting other people.
So fasten your seatbelts, and prepare to dot your Is and cross your Ts. Some things need strengthening, and some lives out there (yours?) could need reinforcing with some substance and sensibility.
Get practical. Make it work. Wake up and smell the coffee. Get a plan. Make baby steps towards that giant leap.
One moment spent doing something truly valuable, offsets the many people out there who seem to be drifting, at the mercy of the media, and other peoples opinions, who still in 2006, insist on complaining to other people about what THEY are doing.
Mind your own business and tend to your own garden!
There, in true Saturn style, I've laid down the law for this particular blog.
Class dismissed.
(But still of course, with Love..,)
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